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Illinois Abroad Student Stories Blog

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  • Thomas Sanders (sitting in the center of the group), an advertising major at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, poses for a photo with his friends and coworkers in Amsterdam, Netherlands during his semester abroad in 2024.

    Student Spotlight: Thomas Sanders shares internship abroad experience, journey

    Thomas Sanders, who is an advertising major at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, recounts his time studying abroad in the Netherlands for a semester. He also shares his experience getting an internship in Amsterdam and how the helped him visualize future career prospects. 

  • Just Do the Thing: Learning in and Out of the Classroom

    “I stared back in awe at the undeniable beauty the Cathédrale Notre-Dame epitomized. I don’t know what it was about that day, April 14th to be exact, that compelled me to fixate on the monument. But I’m really glad that I did because the next day it was on fire. That seemingly normal taxi ride as we concluded our spring break in Paris is one I will never forget. Being close to such a sad event was a wake up call reminding me that every opportunity in life should be taken before it’s gone. Whether it’s holding onto one last look or embracing any experience that comes my way, it’s a reminder that life is oh-so-fragile. It’s a reminder to just do the thing. Because of this re-instilled urgency to live life to its fullest, I hiked Monte Brè in Switzerland, and it was one of the coolest things I’ve ever done.” -- Maddie Ehret, senior in journalism

  • A Spring Spent at VU Amsterdam

    Many students would view an extra semester of school as disappointing, but Alejandro saw it as an opportunity to study abroad.

  • The U.S. From an Italian's Perspective

    There is so much to learn from Illini that have studied abroad, but there is just as much to learn from students that are currently studying abroad at U of I. 

  • Illinois Corn to Italian Grapes: A Summer in Rome

    Studying abroad in a foreign country is an incredible experience, but having an internship in that country is an exclusive opportunity available to Illinois students. Christy Allen, a junior in Agricultural Communications, took advantage of this opportunity by studying abroad in Rome while also participating in an internship during Summer 2017.

  • Study Abroad Programs A to Z

    The University of Illinois offers literally hundreds of study abroad programs suited for every student interested in studying abroad. Having all of these options can be exciting, but it can be overwhelming to decide on a program.

  • To Jordan (then Austria) and Back

    Studying abroad can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your college career. But studying abroad twice - that can be the opportunity of a lifetime. Read about Ester Fang's study abroad expereince in Amman, Jordan as well as Vienna, Austria.