Three Illinois teachers who are graduates of the College of Education have been named finalists for the Golden Apple Foundation's Excellence in Teaching Award.
Dillin Randolph, Ed.M. '20 EPOL and current doctoral student in EPOL, is an antiracist teacher of English at Niles West High School in Skokie, IL.
30 teachers were selected for the 2025 list of finalists.
The Golden Apple Awards for Excellence in Teaching honor outstanding teachers for having lasting, positive effects on students’ lives and school communities. Teacher finalists demonstrate—in their teaching and results—a significant, positive impact on their students’ growth and learning.
The selected 2025 Golden Apple Award recipients will be surprised in the spring. Northwestern University generously provides a spring sabbatical to award recipients at no cost. Each recipient receives a $5,000 cash award. Award recipients become Fellows of the Golden Apple Academy of Educators, a community of educators who play an important role in preparing the next generation of teachers in the Golden Apple Scholars and Accelerators programs—initiatives dedicated to addressing the teacher shortage in Illinois.