Due to the worldwide shortage of Yellow Fever vaccinations, students planning to study abroad in countries that require this vaccine need to plan accordingly. The McKinley Health Center no longer has this vaccination. Find out if the Yellow fever vaccine is required for your study abroad destination by going to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) website.
Below you will find a list of local clinics where you can obtain a Yellow Fever vaccination.
Carle Travel Clinic
- Phone number: (217) 383-1554
- Call ahead to schedule an appointment. Tell them your destination and vaccination requirements and they will make sure to have the vaccine available for your appointment.
- Schedule an appointment at least 4 weeks prior to departure and complete the Pre-Travel Questionnaire (available on the Carle Travel Clinic website).
Christie Clinic
- Phone number: (217) 344-9440
- Immunizations are given by Primary Care Providers (PCP).
- Call ahead and make an appointment with your PCP to ensure they have the vaccine.
If you have any questions, or concerns, please contact Erin DeLuca, Coordinator for International Safety and Security, at edeluca@illinois.edu.