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  • Fulbright UK Summer Institutes - Information Session 12/7

    Dear freshmen and sophomores,

    Do you want to study in the United Kingdom this summer for free? The Fulbright UK Summer Institutes offer nine programs for 2019: 

    Interested in global leadership? Join the Future Leaders of a Global Age summer institute at the University of Westminster in London.
    Interested in the environment? Study climate change issues at the University of Exeter.
    Interested in social justice or education policy? Explore these in the post-conflict setting of Northern Ireland at Queen’s University Belfast.
    Interested in the performing arts? Practice combat and swordplay, movement, dance and design at Shakespeare’s Globe Theater.
    Interested in arts as activism?  Consider how social policy, philosophy and the arts have been combined to promote social change at the University of Bristol.
    Interested in technology and design? Explore Scotland’s creative and technological industries through study at the University of Strathclyde and the Glasgow School of Art.
    Interested in media?  Explore film and media culture in the UK at the University of Birmingham.
    Interested in British or Irish studies?  Explore British culture at the University of Sussex or Irish studies at the Queen’s University Belfast.
    Interested in international politics? Study identity and nationhood at the Aberystwyth University in Wales.

    The Summer Institutes cover the majority of the participant costs (round-trip airfare from the US to the UK, tuition and fees at the university, room and board, and social programs).  Students must be US citizen freshmen or sophomores with a GPA of 3.7 or above.

    More information about the institutes and their application can be found at:

    Our info session will tell you everything you need to know about the benefits of attending a Fulbright UK Summer Institute and how to be a competitive applicant. We’ll also hear from previous Illinois recipients.

    UK Summer Fulbright Information Session

    Friday, December 7th, 3:00-4:00 pm

    514 Illini Union Bookstore

  • Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Allies Job Opportunity

    Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Allies is a state AmeriCorps program supporting prevention, treatment, and recovery agencies throughout Chicago and suburban Cook County. SUD Allies AmeriCorps members engage clients, youth, and providers through a variety of comprehensive services, including case management, health insurance enrollment assistance, prevention education, and anti-stigma education. Administered by Public Health Institute of Metropolitan Chicago, SUD Allies increases resources to combat substance use disorder for individuals, families, and communities. PHIMC provides the members with the training and professional development necessary to successfully enter the public health workforce.  Interested candidates can find more information at

  • Research Participants Needed

    My name is Amber Strickland, and I am an undergraduate student at The Ohio State University. I am currently working as a research assistant for two graduate students in The Ohio State University’s sociology department, Laura Frizzell and Sadé Lindsay. We are conducting interviews for a research project, and I was hoping that you could be of assistance in disseminating information to people who may be interested in participating. We are looking to interview approximately 120 Black women about the impacts of police violence. Virtually all research on police violence has examined Black men’s experiences, so we think it’s critical that Black women be able to tell their stories as well. We’re looking to interview all Black women - not only those with direct experiences of police violence - because we expect that the experiences of acquaintances and media portrayals of this violence will also have an impact on Black women’s lives. This research project has been ethically cleared by our Institutional Review Board, and all participants will be compensated with an Amazon e-gift card.

  • Division of Disability Resources and Educational Services (DRES) Employment Opportunities

    Division of Disability Resources and Educational Services (DRES) has two areas of employment available.

    The Testing Accommodations Center (TAC)

    Accessible Media Services (AMS) Captioning

    We are now interviewing for student workers for the Spring 2019 semester in both of these areas. Please find and review the attached the job descriptions for both areas.  If you are interested in any of these areas please send the following items to Tina Rolfe at for the TAC and/or Ann Fredricksen at for AMS:

    Your resume
    List of classes you are enrolled in for the Spring 2019 Semester  
    When you are available for an interview
    Please give a couple dates and times
    Will only interview until 12/7/2018
    The hours that you are available to work per week

    Student work schedules will be the same schedule for each week for the whole semester, until finals week.  Each shift must be at least 1.5 hours long if not longer with a minimum of 5 hours per week for TAC and a minimum of 10 hours for AMS.

    Students are permitted to work in both areas.  Therefore if you are interested in both areas, you can apply for both with only going through the interview process once.

  • Help the Homeless - Canteen Run Donation Drive

    Local to Champaign County, Canteen Run provides supplies to those experiencing homelessness in our community. Please consider donating any of the following items by November 29th:
    ● Socks
    ● Toiletries (i.e. shampoo, body wash)
    ● Deodorant
    ● Large sized Men’s shirts
    ● Long sleeved shirts
    ● Men’s & Women’s underwear

  • Fred S. Bailey Internship Scholarship Program for Cause-Driven Leaders

    Are you interested in an unpaid internship but are concerned about the financial hardship it may cause? The Fred S. Bailey Internship Scholarship Program for Cause-Driven Leaders is available to undergraduate students at the University of Illinois who receive an unpaid internship with a public service agency or not-for profit organization. Awards are $1,000 for a part-time internship or $2,500 for a full-time internship and are given directly to the student to help with educational expenses.

    Students completing internships that are part of an academic program's graduation requirements (community health practicum, social work internship, student teaching, etc) are not eligible to receive the Bailey Internship Scholarship. We highly encourage students in these programs to consider applying for the Bailey Undergraduate Scholarship, due February 15. For more information on the Bailey Undergraduate Scholarship program, click here.

    Spring 2019 (For internships that occur between January 1, 2019 - May 15, 2019)
    Application Deadline: November 13

  • Registration resources from the Registrar's Office

    The Office of the Registrar has some excellent tools for you to use as you are registering for classes. A guide on how to use Enhanced Registration, and a variety of tools and information. Don't forget to use the Class Schedule if you get an error message as you register.

  • Most Popular Gen Eds for Social Work Students

    Here is a list of the most popular Gen Eds for the various categories that Social Work students have taken over the past 8 years.

  • Expanding the Champaign County Museums Network

    The Museums at the Crossroads Consortium is expanding its membership and changing its name to reflect its new partnership strategy. It’s now the Champaign County Museum Network. Champaign County is filled with fun and interesting museums. Since 1996, many of these museums have worked together as the Museums at the Crossroads Consortium.  Brought together originally for a Museums in the Classroom grant, the organization meets monthly and has collaborated on a wide variety of projects that benefit all its members, including advertising publications, classes for local Osher Lifelong Learning Institute members, and an annual informational and activity tent at the Urbana Sweetcorn Festival. “When we work together, we save a great deal of time and energy,” said Network vice president Pam Leiter. “For example, sharing one tent at the Urbana Sweetcorn Festival means representatives of each museum only need to work a short shift to keep the tent staffed. This allows museums with fewer employees to participate in larger events without exhausting their resources.”

    In addition to the current museums, the Network is adding memberships for both individuals and a wide variety of area organizations.  “Museums don’t stand alone in the county,” stated Leiter. “We are part of a larger network of volunteers, teachers, archivists, emerging museum professionals, schools, libraries, historical societies, convention and visitors bureaus, and media groups that work together to provide fun and educational opportunities to central Illinois communities.  Our new updates, such as adding affiliates like the Illinois Distributed Museum, better represent who we are and how we work.”

    The Network follows this mission: The Champaign County Museums Network (CCMN) empowers members by forging connections that encourage best practices among museums and museum professionals and promotes each institution as relevant, engaging, and integral members of our community.

    The Museum Members of the Network:

    Anita Purves Nature Center (Urbana Park District)
    Champaign County History Museum
    Homer Lake Interpretive Center (Champaign County Forest Preserve District)
    Krannert Art Museum (University of Illinois)
    Museum of the Grand Prairie (Champaign County Forest Preserve District)
    Orpheum Children’s Science Museum
    Pollinatarium (University of Illinois)
    Sousa Archives and Center for American Music (University of Illinois)
    Spurlock Museum (University of Illinois)
    William Staerkel Planetarium (Parkland College)

    For more information on the Network, its museums, and membership opportunities, visit its website at

  • CU Fair Training on immigration

    You are invited to attend a training workshop that will be held by CU FAIR (Champaign Urbana Friends and Allies of Immigrants and Refugees) for volunteers who provide, or who wish to provide, direct assistance to recently arrived immigrant families.

    November 7, Wednesday, 5:30 pm

    Room St. Luke

    St. Patrick Catholic Church, Urbana

    708 E. Main Street

    Urbana, IL

    [ Free parking and entrance in back of Church ]

    The workshop will provide the following:

    General information on immigrant population in Champaign County with a special focus on the needs of those family that recently arrived in our community;Explanation of the Case Management approach CU FAIR follows to assist these families to progress successfully from a dependency to a condition where they achieve social and economic self sufficiencyPresentation on core (essential) social services that are usually needed by these families and the resources available in our community;Outline the different types of services volunteers provide and the time commitment they imply for volunteers.

    For further information, please contact Luis Cuza, or 217-954-8371 or Nils Jacobsen, or 217-384-4862.