Water Supply Planning is a cyclical effort to perform long-term water supply analyses for each of the planning regions throughout Illinois and identify potential risks to water supply using the latest available data. This is facilitated by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources and Prairie Research Institute (Illinois State Water and Geological Surveys) working with committees who represent each of the planning regions, providing essential feedback on future development and potential concerns for each region.
Here in the Groundwater section of the Water Survey, groundwater model development has progressed smoothly, with yield analyses for the Middle Illinois Water Supply Planning Region ongoing; work on the region is slated to wrap up over the next few months. Though a final report will be completed at that time, we can show off some of the latest analyses for the region and surrounding areas.
Below are two links with analysis results, the first for the St. Peter Sandstone, a bedrock aquifer present across much of the region, the second for sand and gravel aquifers. Both show simulated drawdown between 2016 and 2060 for the Current Trends water demand scenario as well as areas of potential risk to water supply. As seen in a previous blog post, northeast Illinois continues to be an area of concern, though portions of Middle Illinois may also be at risk with increasing demands.
St. Peter Sandstone Analysis
Sand and Gravel Aquifer Analysis