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  • Are You Retiring or Separating from the University of Illinois System?

    You may be eligible to defer unused vacation leave into the University 403(b) or State or SURS 457 retirement plans

  • Know Your Approved Retirement Plan Representatives

    Be wary of callers attempting to discuss financial investments. Only a few representatives from investment companies are approved to discuss retirement planning.

  • 403(b) Supplemental Retirement Plan - 2025 Universal Availability Notice

    403(b) Supplemental Retirement Plan - 2025 Universal Availability Notice

  • Live Retirement and Investment Webinars Available

    January is financial wellness month; are you saving for your future? 

  • 403(b) and 457 Plan Contribution Limits Increasing

    The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has announced the supplemental retirement plan contribution limits will increase for 2025. As a 403(b) or 457 plan participant, the following information and reminders may be helpful to you.

  • Live Retirement and Investment Webinars Available

    October is National Retirement Security month; are you saving for your future? 

  • Are You Retiring or Separating from the University of Illinois System?

    You may be eligible to defer unused vacation leave into the University 403(b) or State or SURS 457 retirement plans

  • Saving For Your Future? Supplemental Retirement Plans Can Help!

    Are you contributing to a supplemental retirement and investment plan? If not, now may be a good time to start!

  • SURS Updates: Spring Stakeholders Meeting

    SURS participants are invited to attend the SURS Virtual Spring Townhall and Stakeholders Meeting on April 25th, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM CST. This semi-annual webinar, offered each Spring and Fall, is an opportunity to hear updates from SURS about SURS benefits, investments, legislation, and funding. 

  • Are You Retiring or Separating from the University of Illinois System?

    You may be eligible to defer unused vacation leave into the University 403(b) or State or SURS 457 retirement plans.

  • Know Your Approved Retirement Plan Representatives

    This is an important reminder about retirement plan companies and who may appropriately contact you.

    You should be aware that your name and workplace contact information are often available through online directories and department websites. As such, you are encouraged to be skeptical of any attempts by individuals requesting personal or financial information. You should exercise the same care and caution as you would when receiving sales calls or advertising emails at home.

  • 403(b) Supplemental Retirement Plan - 2024 Universal Availability Notice

    403(b) Supplemental Retirement Plan - 2024 Universal Availability Notice

  • Be Cautious: Retirement and Pension Meetings Email

    We are aware that University of Illinois System employees may have received an email yesterday asking employees to schedule a “retirement planning session". That email was NOT sent by the university nor SURS, and is NOT from one of our approved retirement plan providers. Please exercise caution whenever you receive email from unknown sources.

  • Review your TIAA Beneficiary Designation

    Control where your University of Illinois TIAA 403(b) inheritance goes! Life changes, and so do your wants and needs. If something happens to you, make sure your beneficiary information reflects your current wishes.

  • 403(b) and 457 Plan Contribution Limits Increasing

    The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has announced the supplemental retirement plan contribution limits will increase for 2024. As a 403(b) or 457 plan participant, the following information and reminders may be helpful to you. 

  • Review your Fidelity Beneficiary Designation

    Control where your University of Illinois Fidelity 403(b) inheritance goes! Life changes, and so do your wants and needs. If something happens to you, make sure your beneficiary information reflects your current wishes.

  • Live Retirement and Investment Webinars Available

    Are you saving for your future?

    To help you learn more about your retirement planning and investment options using the University 403(b) Plan, Fidelity Investments and TIAA are offering live retirement education webinars this fall. 

  • Are You Retiring or Separating from the University of Illinois System?

    You may be eligible to defer unused vacation leave into the University 403(b) or State or SURS 457 retirement plans.

  • 2024 SURS Board of Trustees Election

    SURS announced that they will be holding an election to fill four vacant seats on the SURS board of trustees. The voting period will be April 1 – May 1, 2024. All SURS participants are encouraged to consider running for a board position.

  • Get Started with the U of I 403(b)

    Even small contributions to the University of Illinois 403(b) Retirement Plan could make a big difference for your future. Did you know that if you take advantage of your 403(b) Plan, you can enhance your overall retirement savings? That’s why the University offers this supplemental Plan as part of your benefits.

  • Saving For Your Future? Supplemental Retirement Plans Can Help!

    Are you contributing to a supplemental retirement and investment plan? If not, now may be a good time to start!

    The University 403(b) Plan is one of three supplemental retirement plans available to help you start or increase your retirement savings. Enrollment is voluntary and available at any time.

  • SURS Webinars and Recordings Available

    Are you interested in learning more about the State Universities Retirement System (SURS)

    SURS offers webinars for members at different stages of their careers. Recorded sessions are available to play on-demand, or you may register to attend a live session. 

  • Live Retirement and Investment Webinars Available

    Fidelity Investments and TIAA are offering live retirement education webinars this spring. These webinars are designed to help you learn more about your retirement planning and investment options as a University 403(b) Plan participant. 

  • SURS Updates: Spring Stakeholders Meeting

    SURS participants are invited to attend the SURS Virtual Spring Townhall and Stakeholders Meeting on April 13th, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM CST. This semi-annual webinar, offered each Spring and Fall, is an opportunity to hear updates from SURS about SURS benefits, investments, legislation, and funding. 

  • Are You Retiring or Separating from the University of Illinois System?

    You may be eligible to defer unused vacation leave into the University 403(b) or State or SURS 457 retirement plans.

  • America Saves Week

    Next week marks America Saves Week, an opportunity to focus on your savings strategy. University of Illinois System approved 403(b) retirement plan investment companies, TIAA and Fidelity Investments, offer tips and resources to help you get into a saving mindset.

  • Know Your Approved Retirement Plan Representatives

    Be wary of callers attempting to discuss financial investments. Only a few representatives from investment companies are approved to discuss retirement planning.

  • 403(b) Supplemental Retirement Plan - 2023 Universal Availability Notice

    403(b) Supplemental Retirement Plan - 2023 Universal Availability Notice

  • 403(b) and 457 Plan Contribution Limits Increasing

    The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has announced the supplemental retirement plan contribution limits will increase for 2023. As a 403(b) or 457 plan participant, the following information and reminders may be helpful to you.

  • Review your TIAA Beneficiary Designation

    Control where your University of Illinois TIAA 403(b) inheritance goes! Life changes, and so do your wants and needs. If something happens to you, make sure your beneficiary information reflects your current wishes.

  • Review your Fidelity Beneficiary Designation

    Control where your University of Illinois Fidelity 403(b) inheritance goes! Life changes, and so do your wants and needs. If something happens to you, make sure your beneficiary information reflects your current wishes.

  • Live Retirement Education Webinars Available

    Fidelity Investments and TIAA are offering live retirement education webinars this fall. These webinars are designed to help you learn more about your retirement planning and investment options as a University 403(b) Plan participant.

  • SURS Webinars and Recordings Available

    Are you interested in learning more about the State Universities Retirement System (SURS)?

    SURS offers webinars for members at different stages of their careers. Recorded sessions are available to play on-demand, or you may register to attend a live session.

  • Saving For Your Future? Supplemental Retirement Plans Can Help!

    Are you contributing to a supplemental retirement and investment plan? If not, now may be a good time to start!

    The University 403(b) Plan is one of three supplemental retirement plans available to help you start or increase your retirement savings. Enrollment is voluntary and available at any time.

  • State Deferred Comp Plan: Empower Now Live

    The State of Illinois Deferred Compensation 457 Plan recordkeeping transition from T. Rowe Price to Empower is now complete. You can log into the Empower site to view your account.

  • Recordkeeper Change: State Deferred Compensation Plan

    The State of Illinois Deferred Compensation 457 Plan recordkeeping is transitioning from T. Rowe Price to Empower, effective July 1, 2022. A transition guide was sent to your mailing address via postal mail from Central Management Services (CMS) last week. You may also view details on the Empower transition website.

  • SURS Money Purchase Factors Change July 2, 2022

    Reminder: If you are considering retirement in the next 2 years, remember that the factors table used to calculate SURS retirement benefits under the Money Purchase calculation will change effective July 2, 2022. This change is a result of a study required by state statute. View the resources listed below to determine if you are impacted by this change, and for important considerations if you are thinking about retirement. 

  • Retirement and Investment Webinars Available!

    Are you interested in learning more about retirement planning and investment options available to you as a University of Illinois System employee? Retirement and investment education webinars are available through State Universities Retirement System (SURS) and University 403(b) Plan vendors TIAA and Fidelity. View details for each vendor below.

  • Are You Retiring or Separating from the University of Illinois System?

    You may be eligible to defer unused vacation leave into the University 403(b), State 457, or SURS 457 retirement plans.

  • America Saves Week

    Next week marks America Saves Week, an opportunity to focus on your savings strategy. University of Illinois System approved 403(b) retirement plan investment companies, TIAA and Fidelity Investments, offer tips and resources to help you get into a saving mindset.

  • Know Your Approved Retirement Plan Representatives

    Be wary of callers attempting to discuss financial investments. Only a few representatives from investment companies are approved to discuss retirement planning.

  • 403(b) Supplemental Retirement Plan - 2022 Universal Availability Notice

    403(b) Supplemental Retirement Plan - 2022 Universal Availability Notice

  • SURS Deferred Compensation Plan: Enrollment Now Available

    SURS-eligible employees are now able to enroll in the SURS 457 Deferred Compensation Plan (DCP). The SURS 457 DCP is a new voluntary retirement savings opportunity that is available through payroll deduction. The SURS 457 DCP is supplemental to your SURS Traditional, Portable, or Retirement Savings Plan.

  • Coming Soon: SURS Deferred Compensation Plan

    Coming in January 2022, SURS will be offering a new, voluntary retirement savings opportunity that will be available to SURS-eligible employees through payroll deduction. The SURS 457 Deferred Compensation Plan (DCP) is supplemental to your SURS Traditional, Portable, or Retirement Savings Plan.

  • 403(b) and 457 Plan Contribution Limits

    The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has announced the supplemental retirement plan contribution limits will increase for 202. As a 403(b) or 457 plan participant, the following information and reminders may be helpful to you.

  • Review your TIAA Beneficiary Designation

    Control where your University of Illinois TIAA 403(b) inheritance goes! Life changes, and so do your wants and needs. If something happens to you, make sure your beneficiary information reflects your current wishes.

  • Review your Fidelity Beneficiary Designation

    Control where your University of Illinois Fidelity 403(b) inheritance goes! Life changes, and so do your wants and needs. If something happens to you, make sure your beneficiary information reflects your current wishes.

  • Are You Retiring or Separating from the University of Illinois System?

    You may be eligible to defer unused vacation and/or compensable sick leave into the University 403(b) or State 457 retirement plans.

  • Saving For Your Future? Supplemental Retirement Plans Can Help!

    Are you contributing to a supplemental retirement and investment plan? If not, now may be a good time to start!

    Did you know that the University 403(b) Plan fund lineup was recently streamlined, resulting in a core lineup of funds to encourage optimal savings with lower cost-expense ratios and reduced plan costs?

  • SURS Money Purchase Factors Change

    Earlier this year, SURS announced that the factors table used to calculate SURS retirement benefits under the Money Purchase calculation will change effective July 2, 2022. This change is a result of a study required by state statute. Read on to determine if you are impacted by this change, and for important considerations if you are thinking about retirement.