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Astronomy Night Observing Session Status Update
Updates for night observing sessions for introductory astronomy classes, will be posted to this blog. For more information on night observing sessions, please see Night Observing Session Information link below.

blog posts

  • Wednesday, October 20 - CLOSED

    Forecast is for cloudy skies with a chance of showers/thunderstorms this evening. The Observatory will be closed.

  • Wednesday, Nov 3 - TENTATIVELY OPEN AROUND 8PM

    The sky is currently cloudy, but it is supposed to clear around 8pm. We will tentatively open around 8pm, as the sky clears enough for viewing.

  • UPDATE: Wednesday, November 3 -CLOSED

    Clouds have not parted, unfortunately. The Observatory will be closed tonight.

  • Tues Nov 2 - closed

    Unfortunately there are lingering scattered clouds that are forecast to persist or worsen. The observatory will be CLOSED Tuesday, November 2.

    Check back tomorrow!

  • Tuesday, October 26 - open

    Clear skies forecast to continue! We'll be open 7:30-9:30PM for observing!

  • Thursday, October 21 - closed

    Cloudy skies forecast to continue. The observatory will be closed on Thursday, October 21.

  • Thursday, Oct 28 - closed

    Many rainclouds, no observing. The observatory will be closed Thursday, October 28.

  • Thursday, November 4 - OPEN

    Skies are clearing; observatory will be open from 7:30PM-9:30PM on Thursday, November 4.

  • Open Tuesday, October 19

    Clear skies forecast this evening; the observatory will be open from 7:30-9:30PM.

    (Check back here if conditions change.)

  • Monday, October 25 - CLOSED

    Cloudy skies tonight. The Observatory will be closed.

  • Monday, November 1 - CLOSED

    The weather for tonight is cloudy with occasional showers. The observatory will be closed.

    Stay tuned for more observing later this week!