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Webtools Help Blog
Help, tips, and tricks for working with Webtools

blog posts

  • Importing Profiles in the Directory

  • Calendar XML FAQs

    The ins and outs of using the Calendar XML.

  • Profile Export from the Campus Directory

    Profiles entered into the Profile Editor for staff and faculty can now be exported for consumption into your dynamic web sites.

  • About the Campus Map

  • Project List

    Current projects Web Services is working on: 

    • Forms - Implement custom validation rules where groups can code and support their own rules. (Completed 10/17/2023. We are waiting on Tech Services to implement the first validation rule before announcing it.)
    • Blogs - Updating all JSI (Page Components) and Files to be reference on AWS CloudFront. (Currently working on this. It might take a few weeks to complete.)
    • Forms - Allow for the editing of submitted forms. (Starting work on 10/17/2023)
    • Forms - Introduce two new question types: "Go To Page" and "Submit Now" for advanced form branching and early form termination.
    • Forms - Add a preapproval process for submissions.
    • Forms - Develop an event registration feature.
    • Forms - Incorporate a "Dollar Amount" question element for internal billing.
    • Forms - Add a new report process that can allow forms to process internal payments.
    • Email+ - Add a feature by making the Label screen editable at any time.
    • Bulletins - Create a process for submitting entries for multiple weeks.