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The #IlliniLeader's Digest
A digital space for ILC stakeholders to learn and voice their perspectives about leadership...

blog posts

  • Challenges You Need To Encounter As A Leader

    Leaders have the power to control people to do what they want. However, being a leader is not easy. He or she needs to face many challenges to build a strong, healthy working relationship with employees.

  • Leading by Creativity

    This post goes into detail on one of the most important soft skills for a leader to have: creativity! Creativity helps leaders with problem-solving, communication, and team building. 

  • Team Mentors & Team Members: How a Team Excels

    This post talks about how important team members and team mentors are to an entire team. The post explains the importance of each role and effective ways to go about them. 

  • Stepping into a Leadership Position for the First Time

    This post explores how shedding the stereotypical perception of a leader as a commander and stepping into the role of a facilitator can help build trust and increase group productivity when stepping into a leadership position for the first time. 

  • virtual leadership

    How to be a Leader in a Virtual Setting

    This post is about the tools you will need as a leader online, and how to work on the skills you are confident in to succeed in a virtual environment.

  • virtual setting

    Unmute, Speak, and Lead

    In a world stuck between virtual and in-person programming, our leadership skills need to encompass both settings. This article discusses one way you can be a leader in a virtual setting.

  • virtual

    How to be a Leader in a Virtual Setting

    This post elaborates on a few strategies that students can implement in order to become a leader in a virtual setting. 

  • remote

    Leading a remote team? Here are some tips for asynchronous success.

    In a post-pandemic world, it seems that working remotely is becoming more ingrained into the professional world. Remote team projects are becoming extremely commonplace. However, being a remote leader can be challenging. Here are some tips for leading a remote team from my experience as a remote team leader.