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IP Address Management service announcements and updates.

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  • Authoritative DNS Transition

    In the coming weeks, the authoritative DNS nameservers,, and will be migrated from commodity GNU/Linux servers running ISC BIND to new Infoblox appliances. In addition, the IPv4 address of will change from to, a new IPv6 address (2620:0:e00:c::53) will be added to, and the default record TTL in IPAM will change from 7200 (2 hours) to 3600 (1 hour).

    No customer action is required as a result of these changes, and there will be no interruption to DNS service as a whole.

    (see full post for details)

  • IPAM Upgrade: July 5, 2018

    On Thu Jul 5 between 5:00-7:00am, the production IP Address Management appliance grid will be upgraded to a new software release from the vendor (8.2.6).

    (see full post for details)

    Important Reminder for Legacy Perl-only API (PAPI) Users

    After the upgrade, you will need to update your installation of the Infoblox PAPI perl modules on any client systems from which you run PAPI scripts.  Do not apply this change to a production environment ahead of time, as the modules are not backward-compatible.

    RESTful Web API (WAPI) users do not need to take any action; previously advertised WAPI versions (1.4.2, 2.2.2) are still supported by the new software release.

  • New Read Permissions

    On Thu Aug 24, additional read-only permissions will be granted to the default role for all IPAM users.  No service impact is expected.

    (see full post for details)

  • Immediate Fixed Addresses feature

    On Thu Jun 22, we will be temporarily re-enabling the "Immediate Fixed Addresses" feature which is known to cause some long-term instability for the DHCP service. It is anticipated that sometime after this (possibly weeks later), one or both of the main campus DHCP servers will experience a crash event (in the worst case causing a 30-minute outage), after which we will disable the feature again to restore full stability. The goal is to provide the vendor with diagnostic information that they can use to implement a fix, so that we will eventually be able to re-enable the feature long-term.

    (see full post for details)

  • IPAM Upgrade: Oct 4, 2016

    On Tue Oct 4 between 5:00-7:00am, the production IP Address Management appliance grid will be upgraded to a new software release from the vendor (7.2.12).

    Important Reminder for Perl API (PAPI) Users

    After the upgrade, you will need to update your installation of the Infoblox PAPI perl modules on any client systems from which you run PAPI scripts.  Do not apply this change to a production environment ahead of time, as the modules are not backward-compatible.

    RESTful Web API (WAPI) users do not need to take any action.

  • IPAM Upgrade: March 24, 2016

    On Thu Mar 24 between 5:00-7:00am, the production IP Address Management appliance grid will be upgraded to a new software release from the vendor (7.2.7).

    Important Reminder for Perl API (PAPI) Users

    After the upgrade, you will need to update your installation of the Infoblox PAPI perl modules on any client systems from which you run PAPI scripts.  Do not apply this change to a production environment ahead of time, as the modules are not backward-compatible.

  • Best Practice for Stand-alone CNAME Records

    We have recently updated the IPAM service documentation to reflect a new best practice recommendation for deciding between Host Aliases and stand-alone CNAME records.

  • Dev IPAM Grid

    The development IPAM grid, formerly located at, will be down for the next several days to facilitate a hardware transition.  When it returns, it will have a new hostname:

  • Automatic renewal of domains

    Effective immediately, DNS domains registered through CITES will be automatically renewed by the registrar 60-90 days before they are scheduled to expire.  The Primary and Administrative domain contacts will receive a notification email prior to each auto-renewal, but will not need to respond affirmatively in order for the auto-renewal to proceed.

    If you do NOT wish to renew a domain, you must notify hostmgr NO LESS THAN 91 DAYS PRIOR TO ITS EXPIRATION DATE (or sooner if that deadline would fall on a non-business day) to ensure that the change can be processed before the next auto-renewal occurs.

    Transitional note: for domains currently scheduled to expire before Mar 2, 2015, you must notify hostmgr no later than Dec 1, 2014 if you do not wish to renew these domains.  Individual reminder notices for these domains will be sent out within the next week.

  • IPAM Upgrade: July 24, 2014

    On Thu Jul 24, 2014 between 10:00pm-12:00 midnight, the production Infoblox grid for the campus IPAM (DNS and DHCP) service will be upgraded from its current software version (6.5.0) to the latest release from the vendor (6.10.6).

    Important Reminder for API Users

    After the upgrade date, you will need to update your installation of the Infoblox API perl modules on any client systems that you use to run Infoblox API scripts against the production grid. Note that this upgrade cannot be applied to your production environments ahead of time; see the service documentation ( for further explanation.