Dec 3, 2020 5:00 pm199 views
On Tue Jan 5 between 5:00-7:00am, the production IP Address Management appliance grid will be upgraded to a new software release from the vendor (8.5.1). As part of this upgrade, the login procedures will change, and (unfortunately) your individual GUI personalizations will be lost.
IT Pros who use IPAM should consider taking these action steps before the upgrade:
1. Log in to the production system at and take notes and/or screenshots of any individual GUI personalizations that are important to you, so that you can more easily recreate them after the upgrade.
2. Test your access to using "SSO Login" (note: you may need VPN for this test since the dev system is not reachable from off-campus).
3. If you use the IPAM API, test your access to the dev system's API.
4. Contact hostmgr if you encounter any problems.
(see full post for details)