CWS alumni are REPRESENTING at CCCC in Portland this year! Take a look through their sessions here, and be sure to add them to your conference agenda! Note: this year's conference app is available through the "NCTE Events" parent app.
Look out for another post on current faculty and staff sessions coming soon.
Thursday Alumni Sessions
A.05 Karen Lundsford
Precarious Positions: Research Praxis and Knowledge Making across Contexts (Sponsored by the Consortium of Doctoral Programs in Rhetoric and Composition Standing Group)
The panel examines knowledge-making and research praxis across different institutional constructs, researcher positions, and career trajectories. F149
A.17 Joyce Walker
Tracing Transfer: Examining Teaching for Transfer in Three Curricular Sites
This panel presents the preliminary findings of a multi-institutional, multisite research project: the Transfer of Transfer Project. C123
A.45 Cory Holding
What Is Writing Studies Made of?
Tackling questions of structures and boundaries of the field: presenters explore disciplinary futures growing out of earlier alliances. D140
B.48 Liz Rohan
Remixing, Sampling, and Cultural Assemblages
Panelists explore the personal and political rhetorical practices of remixing and assemblage. D132
C.05 John Stone
Digital, Apostolic, Mystical, Embodied: Religious Women’s Disarticulating Rhetorics
Rhetoric and Religious Traditions sponsored panel about the disarticulating public rhetorics of religious women. C124
C.12 Jessica Bannon
Community Engagement and Critical Inquiry
This panel explores community as a topic of inquiry; presenters share strategies and assignments for engaging the community. A103
C.16 Lauren Bowen
Learning from Our Elders: Qualitative Studies of Literacy in Later Life
With findings from four studies of elders’ literate activities, this panel examines how literacy shapes and is shaped by old age. E142
C.18 Steven Fraiberg AND Kevin Roozen, (+ Chaired by Paul Prior!))
Mapping Transnational Literacies: Cultivating Translingual Perspectives of Textual Practice in Our Research and Teaching
This panel articulates a “mobile literacies” framework for tracing translingual practices across transnational networks. E144
C.37 Alexandra Cavallaro
Prison and Detention: Rethinking Borders and Access
Panelists attend to issues of social justice and racism in the criminal justice system. A109
D.05 Faye Spencer Maor
Cultivating Conversations with HBCUs: Afrocentric Pedagogy, Language, and Writing Program Administration Sponsored by the Black Caucus
This roundtable offers areas for pedagogical consideration at HBCU writing program sites in relation to Students’ Right to Their Own Language (SRTOL). Portland Ballroom 252
D.40 Julia Smith
Failure as Opportunity
These presentations showcase the benefits of failure in both student learning and faculty development. C126
D.28 Heather Blain Vorhies
Peer Teaching and Tutoring Strategies in the Writing Center and Beyond
Panelists discuss teaching for transfer, proofreading, and other response strategies for facilitating student writing in the writing center and beyond. E148
E.01 Patrick Berry
Cultivating Balance in Caregiving: A CrossGenerational Conversation
This Cultivate session involves a cross-generational conversation taking up a phenomenon affecting all generations: all generations are caregivers and they are caring for all other generations. Our session begins with a brief introduction that draws on research and resources about care, caregiving, interdependence, and disability to set the topic. Conversation, however, will be the primary activity. Participants will move to cross-generational tables for open discussion of scenarios and concerns, guided by table leaders who will facilitate discussion, take notes, and report back to the large group and to the cosponsoring CCCCs groups: CCCC Taskforce on Cross-Generational Connections, Standing Group on the Status of Women in the Profession, and the Committee on Disability Issues. Portland Ballroom 251
Friday Alumni Sessions
F.17 Jody Shipka
Composition in the Eighties: Retrospect and Prospect
The 1980s were a watershed decade for composition. Three teacher-scholars whose early careers were forged then will each examine a key idea. E145
G.07 Yu-Kyung Kang, Eileen Lagman & Thomas McNamara, (three-fer!)
Cultivating Critical Approaches to Internationalization: Examining Asian/Asian American Literacies and Identities
This panel illuminates the tension we find in students who defy linguistic and national categorization. C123
I.04 Kory Ching
Responsive Program Design for the MA in Writing Studies Sponsored by the Master’s Degree
Consortium of Writing Studies Specialists Standing Group Speakers examine MA Writing Studies programs purposely composed to respond to rich local contexts rather than to the PhD. C123
I.05 Cory Holding
Received Passages: Prison Histories—They Don’t Speak for Themselves (Sponsored by the Teaching in Prison: Pedagogy, Research and Literacies Collective Standing Group)
This sponsored panel argues for the curation of histories that lead to more equitable representations of incarcerated people. C124
I.13 Sibylle Gruber
Community Engagement and Service-Learning
This panel explores community engagement in writing programs and writing centers. E148
I.27 Amber Buck
I’d Like to Add You to My Professional Network: Beyond the Obvious in Social Media Research
Researching the potentials and risks of social media to cultivate knowledge and connections in educational and professional contexts. A107
J.42 Patrick Berry AND Amy Wan
Harvey J. Graff, Literacy Studies, and Composition
This roundtable will reflect on literacy studies and composition through the work of Harvey J. Graff. Portland Ballroom 253
J.48 Samantha Looker
The Role of the Personal, Empathy, Compassion, and Metacognition in First-Year Composition Pedagogy
Presenters discuss enriching first-year composition through compassion, the personal, metacognition, and empathy in the classroom. A104
K.04 Ligia Mihut
Centering Transnational Work: A Study of Writing Practices in Tertiary Education in Romania, Nepal, India, and Colombia (Sponsored by the Transnational Composition Standing Group)
This panel examines the discourses and pedagogies of writing at specific institutions in four countries. D131
Saturday Alumni Sessions
L.42 James Purdy
Cultivating Library/FYC Partnerships: Assessment, Information Literacy Instruction, and Beyond
This roundtable discussion will explore several models of collaborations between FYC faculty and librarians. B116
M.39 Mary Sheridan Blau
Embracing Contraries: Peter Elbow on His Life in Composition Studies
A seminal contributor to modern composition studies will reflect on the field and his own contributions to it. Portland Ballroom 251 & 258