Critiques and explores various theoretical frameworks used to explain Latina/Latino academic achievement. Examines curricular and instructional issues by investigating how different school systems have implemented schooling for Latina/Latino students. Develops critical understanding of the role of education within the Latina/Latino community.
Topic: "The Educational Pipeline of the Latina/o Diaspora"
This course is a survey of the dominating theoretical frameworks used in Education research to discuss the educational achievement (or lack thereof) of diverse Latina/o students throughout the P-20 pipeline. There are four main goals for this course: 1) to deconstruct each framework by assessing whether social, political, economic, cultural, etc. factors are taken into consideration, 2) to examine how these frameworks are used to prepare pre-service and in-service educators (teachers and counselors), 3) to explore alternate frameworks that challenge problematic theories, and 4) to gain a critical understanding of the connection between theory, research, and practice. Throughout the semester, we will read and discuss work that discusses the influence of such frameworks in educational structures, processes, and discourses, in order to better understand the teaching and learning experiences of Latina/o youth.
2 graduate hours
CRN# 63267 LCD G2 4:00-6:20 T Soltero Lopez, A.
4 graduate hours
CRN# 63270 LCD G4 4:00-6:20 T Soltero Lopez, A.