EPSY 590 B: Advanced Seminar in Educational Psychology (Mobile Learning)
Instructor: Dr. Bill Cope
Time: 7:00pm – 8.30pm, Mondays
Dates: June 30 to August 4, 2014 (6 weeks)
Credits: 4 hours, online only
CRN: 37896
"Learning with Mobile Technologies" explores the dynamics of learning using mobile computing devices, broadly defined to range from mobile phones, tablets and laptops to interesting new possibilities raised by emerging technologies such as wearable devices and a potentially pervasive “internet of things”. Our journey will take us through museums, galleries and parks - real and virtual. We will visit new media and gaming spaces in which either incidental or explicit learning is taking place. We will look at sites of informal as well as formal learning - conventional classrooms offering blended learning opportunities, as well as new forms and modes of out-of-school and self-directed learning. The course will be structured around the “seven affordances” model of analysis that Cope and Kalantzis have developed. It will run parallel to, and in dialogue with, our e-Learning Ecologies MOOC.
Please contact Dr. Cope <billcope@illinois.edu> for more course information.