Congratulations to Micki Ostrosky, professor, Special Education, on receiving the Mary McEvoy Service to the Field Award from the Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children.
Micki's nominators wrote:
“The quality, influence, and significance of Micki’s scholarship and the deep impact her lifetime of work has had on the lives of young children and families is the true embodiment of this award named after our colleague, Mary McEvoy. Micki is long overdue for this recognition by DEC, given her sustained productivity, the significance of her groundbreaking work in early intervention and early childhood special education, the valuable mentorship she has provided to future teachers and researchers, and her innumerable contributions to DEC as a longtime member and leader.”
The McEvoy Award is the highest award given by DEC to a family member, community member, or professional who has made notable and significant national or international contributions to the field of early childhood special education. It is given in memory of Mary McEvoy, who was a leader in the early childhood special education field.