Course Title: HRD 585 Program Evaluation
Meeting Time: Thursdays from 1 pm to 4 pm, Spring 2015
Course Instructor: Dr. Wenhao David Huang (
Course Description:
This course prepares students to conceptualize and develop a comprehensive evaluation plan for various educational programming across disciplines and organizations. Upon completing the course, students will be able to:
- Articulate the difference between research and evaluation
- Develop concise evaluation purposes based on the need of the clients/stakeholders
- Align evaluation questions according to the evaluation purposes
- Design data collection instruments to answer the evaluation questions
- Select data analysis approaches that are appropriate for the scope and intention of the evaluation
- Develop evaluation budget and project management plan
- Build reciprocal and productive relationships with stakeholders of the intended evaluation
This course is open to all graduate students. For more information, feel free to contact Dr. Huang at