Conducting Research in the Schools:
Perspectives from the Districts
A seminar sponsored by the Bureau of Educational Research
Thursday, January 29, 2015
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
College of Education, Room 242
Research conducted by our faculty and students within Unit 4 and District 116 is cutting edge, impactful and grounded in the basic tenet of making a difference in the academic lives of the next generation. For University of Illinois faculty and students, placement in a local district may be the catalyst for advocacy, participation in policy creation or analysis, or the driving force in the development of new programs, curriculum or evaluation methods. In this 50 minute presentation, Dr. Wiegand and Dr. Owen will provide a district superintendent’s perspective on the benefits of education research in their respective districts, the complex challenges they face in juxtaposing district priorities with school research project placements and will discuss “rules of the road” for researchers interfacing with district personnel. If you have questions about who to approach in Unit 4 or District 116, when to approach them, and how the College of Education, Coordinator of School – University Research Relations enters into the overall process please plan to join us for this informative presentation.
A 10 minute Q & A period will be reserved for researcher questions following the presentation.
A light lunch will be provided.
Dr. Donald D. Owen
Superintendent, Urbana School District 116
Dr. Don Owen has served as superintendent since January 2012. Owen has been with the Urbana School District since 1989, and has served as the Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction since 2007. He previously worked as a site coordinator for the After School Child Care program at Wiley Elementary School, taught history at Urbana Middle School, and coordinated grant-based programs in the school district.
Dr. Judy Wiegand
Superintendent, Champaign Unit 4 School District
Dr. Wiegand is the Superintendent of the Champaign Unit 4 School District. She began her career with Unit 4 in 1987 as a special education teacher. Since that time she has also served as Dean of Students, Assistant Principal and Principal of Centennial High School, Director of Secondary Education, Assessment, and Professional Development and Assistant Superintendent for Achievement and Pupil Services. Dr. Wiegand earned her Doctorate in Education and Organizational Leadership from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2003.