Faculty and graduate students from Education Policy, Organization, and Leadership have returned from the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom after participating in the Birmingham-Illinois Partnership for Discovery, Engagement, and Education (BRIDGE) program.
Faculty Nicholas Burbules, Nicolas Tanchuk, and Rebecca Taylor and graduate students Seunghyun Lee and Martha Perez-Mugg presented their research under the BRIDGE program at a conference titled "Educating for Responsible Belief."
The BRIDGE program was founded in March 2014 as a partnership between the University of Birmingham and the University of Illinois. The BRIDGE agreement establishes a framework for creative knowledge exchange across disciplines through frequent, purposeful, face-to-face meetings between faculty, staff, and students at both undergraduate and graduate levels.
The program is a multidisciplinary partnership with over 115 cross-faculty links spanning Biosciences, Economic and Physical Geography, Psychology, Neuroscience, Environmental Genomics, Railway Engineering, Maths, Mechanical Engineering, Chemistry, American and Canadian Studies, Classics, History of Art, African Studies, Cultural Heritage, and Education.