Congratulations to Curriculum and Instruction assistant professor Asif Wilson, PI on a research project chosen in the final round of the Humanities Without Walls consortium’s Grand Research Challenge, funded by the Mellon Foundation.
Wilson’s project, titled “Communiversities as education without walls: Building coalitions for liberatory education through the humanities” is one of seven multi-institutional, interdisciplinary projects that have been awarded $150,000 over a three-year period.
The brief project description: this project will create communiversities (community-based, people-centered popular educational spaces) in three midwestern cities (Chicago, Cincinnati, and Detroit) with long histories of educational enclosure and social movement organizing. In total, the three communiversity sites will bring together close to 60 K-12 students, community activists, and P-20 educators who will engage in inquiry-to-action projects, co-designed and co-led by teams of university faculty, leaders at community-based organizations, and youth.
"In short, the grant will support the digitization of primary and secondary resources that capture Chicago's rich Black history and create programming for social studies teachers to integrate these resources into their curriculum. This is aligned with my scholarship on supporting teachers' justice-centered pedagogical practices," said Wilson.