The College of Education at Illinois is honored to have three of our faculty members recognized at this year’s AERA Annual Meeting:
Debra D. Bragg: 2015 AERA Fellow
Michelle Perry: Outstanding Review for 2014 for the AERJ – Teaching, Learning, and Human Development
Patriann Smith: Emerging Scholar Award in the Language & Social Processes (LSP) SIG
In addition, one of our graduate students will be recognized:
Ifeyinwa U. Onyenekwu: 2015 CASE Outstanding Graduate Student Research Proposal
As always, our faculty and students are well represented and actively engaged in this agenda: 51 faculty members are presenting or participating in sessions (roughly 60 percent); 58 graduate students are presenting or participating in sessions; and four faculty members are participating in key sessions while 27 are participants in invited roundtables or speaker sessions.
Learn more about the College of Education's participants in the 2015 AERA Annual Meeting: Toward Justice - Culture, Language, and Heritage in Education Research and Praxis.
View the full list of 2015 AERA Fellows.