Everyone is invited to learn more about the Champaign Freedom School at an introductory and Q&A session on Wednesday, May 19, at 6 p.m. CST. Please join us on Zoom to learn more about the new Champaign Freedom School, which formally begins June 7 at Garden Hills Academy, including opportunities to volunteer and the chance to meet our talented and aspiring Freedom School dream team.
We have been working diligently to launch the program with the Champaign Unit 4 school district, various community partners, and advocates within the University of Illinois, and we are thrilled to share more information about Freedom Schools.
Please forward to interested parents with students in K-5th grade, who are encouraged to attend!
Zoom link: https://illinois.zoom.us/j/82368554569?pwd=QklhbVA2OFUvY21TcGxzZGpoTnhMdz09