National Science Foundation
EHR Core Research (ECR)
Fundamental Research in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education
NSF 15-509
The fundamental research that ECR supports advances the frontiers of understanding about how more people learn, and use more STEM knowledge, more effectively. To do this, ECR projects are grounded in theory, ask well formulated research questions, employ relevant data and analytic techniques, and contribute to the growing body of literature on STEM education research. ECR projects bring together the expertise, literatures, methods and learning priorities of the entire range of scientific communities represented by the NSF research directorates as well as EHR. ECR supports researchers who use large scale, next generation data resources and relevant big data analytic techniques to advance fundamental research in STEM learning, STEM learning environments, STEM workforce development, and broadening participation research where appropriate. ECR also supports research on efforts to make that knowledge available to other researchers, education developers, leaders and practitioners so that research is used broadly to improve STEM education and the development of a flexible, knowledgeable and diverse STEM workforce. The specific strands of research ECR seeks to support include STEM learning and learning environments, workforce development, and broadening participation in STEM.
STEM learning and learning environments: EHR encourages the creative use of formal and informal STEM learning environments-including the full array of available and emerging materials, platforms, and learning opportunities-to ensure that all students have access to high-quality, inspiring STEM learning and teaching to better prepare tomorrow's scientists and engineers, as well as engage the public and youth living in an increasingly science-rich and technological world.
STEM professional workforce development: The need to prepare a diverse, highly skilled and motivated workforce, including teachers who can meet the demands of a dynamic and complex global economy is a widely recognized national challenge. EHR investments respond to that challenge by providing the evidence on how to best support and prepare a STEM professional workforce that is ready to capitalize on unprecedented advances in technology and science, and to address current and future global, social, and economic challenges.
Broadening participation in STEM: EHR supports the investigation of issues underlying the learning and participation of members of groups underrepresented in STEM fields. Underrepresented groups may include (but are not necessarily limited to): women and girls, people with disabilities, underrepresented minorities (e.g., African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders), English-language learners, veterans and students from rural or lower socio-economic backgrounds.
ECR also supports a small number of capacity building proposals through synthesis projects and conferences and workshops related to the program. Synthesis proposals seek to support for the synthesis and/or meta-analysis of existing knowledge on a topic of critical importance to STEM learning and/or education, or for the diffusion of research-based knowledge. Conference & workshop proposals seek support to conduct well-focused conference/workshop submissions that align with the goals of the program. Submission of conference/workshop proposals is on a rolling basis.
Deadline: Full Proposal Due: September 10, 2015 (due by 5 p.m. proper’s local time)
Award Information:
Level I: A maximum award size of $500,000 and a maximum duration of 3 years.
Level II: A maximum total award size of $1,500,000 and a maximum duration of 3 years.
Level III: A maximum award size of $2,500,000 and a maximum duration of 5 years.
Synthesis Projects: A maximum award size of $300,000, with a duration of up to two years.
Conference & Workshops: $25,000 to $100,000
Submission Process:
Applications for grants under this competition should be submitted electronically via or via the NSF FastLane system. Please contact the Bureau as soon as possible for consultation and advice on submission process.
Contact Information: ׀ (703) 292-2333
Program Link:
EHR Core Research (ECR)