A presentation by Education alumnus Mark Emmons
Wednesday, Sept. 30
Noon-1 p.m.
Room 192, Education Building
A light lunch will be provided.
Education alumnus Mark Emmons, Ed.M. '08 Ed.Psych., has worked in public education for 10 years as a social studies teacher at Leyden High School. He currently works as a technology coach for High School District 212 and has been involved in the implementation of the 1:1 Chromebook environment within the district for the past four years. His duties have included fulfilling the application, working in systems and instructional design, and collaborating on the development needs of staff members.
Mark will share his experiences integrating technologies to motivate and engage students in active learning. He will also discuss the benefits and limits of technology integration into the school curriculum in order to provide a meaningful learning experience within a results-based assessment environment.