EPSY490HFH: Human Factors in
Health Care Systems
Spring 2016
Instructor: Dan Morrow, dgm@illinois.edu
Meeting Time: Tuesday/Thursday 9:00-10:20
Credit: 3 hours undergrad/ 4 hours grad
CRN: 49508
Complex health care systems often challenge providers, patients, and other health care system participants, contributing to problems that threaten patient safety, reduce quality of care, and increase cost. This course overviews research that applies theories and methods from human factors and cognitive science to analyze the sources of these problems and to evaluate design, instruction, and training interventions to help providers and patients successfully navigate health care systems. We begin with an introduction to problems and accidents in health care related to human factors, followed by an overview of concepts and methods from the fields of human factors and cognitive science. This background provides a foundation for considering specific topics related to human factors in health care. Topics will range from provider and patient interaction with medical devices, to collaboration and teamwork, concluding with broader socio-technical issues such as the impact of health information technology on clinical work. Discussion of research papers will be supplemented by guest lectures by clinicians and others who work in the health care field.