The Graduate Student Conference is partnering with the University of Hong Kong to present the second annual Graduate Student Conference Exchange Program.
This exchange is restricted to College of Education graduate students.
Requirements to apply:
1) A completed paper* 2) A brief personal statement of 300-500 words
- The statement should describe your rationale for participating in the Graduate Student Conference Exchange Program; why you would like to present your work through this venue; and what it would mean to represent the College of Education through this exchange.
- The statement should include the following information: name, email address, department and program of study, your College of Education adviser, and language that confirms your paper was not previously submitted for publication or published.
To be considered, students must submit their completed paper and personal statement to by Friday, Feb. 12.
For more information, please send an email to:
Graduate Student Conference at or Allison Witt at
*Paper submissions for this exchange should not be dissertation proposals, manuscripts submitted for publication, or manuscripts that are already published.