Link to registration
The College of Education's Special Education Graduate Student Association invites you to celebrate March as Disability Awareness Month. You're invited to be part of the Spring 2022 Disability Film Festival. This event features two movies and discussions with the filmmakers on two subsequent nights. Register today to be sent links to view the films, free of charge.
Film 1: Kelly’s Hollywood tells the intimate story of a woman who has Down syndrome and her loving brother who wants to help her realize her dream of becoming a Hollywood diva, until it starts to threaten his engagement and he is forced to confront his co-dependent sibling relationship. (82 minutes) To learn more about the film visit:
Film 2: The R-Word is a humanizing, purposeful, and deeply respectful look into the long-reaching history and lasting implications of derogatory language used to describe people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Through captivating animation sequences, the personal narrative of four sibling stories, and the first-person accounts of self-advocates, we get an intimate and nuanced perspective of the challenges and triumphs of people living with an intellectual disability. (65 minutes) To learn more about the film visit:
Registrants will be sent links beginning March 17 to an online portal where they can view the films at their convenience. Discussion with the filmmakers will take place at the following times:
March 24 @ 5:30 p.m. CST: Discussion with Brian Donovan of Kelly's Hollywood
March 25 @ 5:30 p.m. CST: Discussion with Amanda Lukoff of The R-Word