Educational Psychology professor H. Chad Lane will speak at a St. Louis Science Center event on Friday, September 2, at 7 p.m. on “Crafting Interactive Experiences: The Power of Games for Meaningful Engagement and Impact”.
Part of the monthly "First Friday" event at the venue focused on Magic: The Gathering, educational psychology and computer science researcher Lane will lead discussion on how games are designed to engage us emotionally, and how we might harness them for social good.
Specifically, Lane will cover several topics with gamers: at some point in life, they have probably been emotionally invested, perhaps deeply so, in an interactive experience such as those produced by games. These experiences are designed and crafted to evoke emotional responses and to draw us in so that we care, that we want to succeed, and that we even try to convince our friends to join us. How do game designers achieve such influence over our behavior and beliefs? What are psychological and cognitive aspects of engagement? How can we leverage this for social good, such as in education and health?
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