Noelia Sánchez-Walker is a graduate student in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at Illinois and works under the supervision of Professor Silvina Montrul. As part of his doctoral dissertation, he is investigating comprehension of Spanish sentences by Spanish speakers. For this purpose, he is recruiting second language learners of Spanish, native Speakers of Spanish who grew up in the U.S., and native speakers of Spanish from Spanish speaking countries to participate in research.
The experiment lasts approximately 60 to 90 minutes. In exchange for research participants' time they will receive $10 per hour. Participation in his research will allow Sánchez-Walker to gain further understanding of factors that influence native and non-native Spanish speakers when they read or hear Spanish sentences, which in turn may help Spanish instructors develop more effective teaching methods.
Those who are interested in participating can email Sánchez-Walker at, and he will be in touch to set a time and date to meet in the Second Language Acquisition and Bilingualism Lab (SLAB) at the Foreign Language Building (FLB).