Higher education funding expert Jennifer Delaney will serve on the editorial board of the journal Educational Researcher during 2017, with the possibility of a renewed appointment in 2018.
Delaney, an associate professor in the Department of Education Policy, Organization & Leadership, said it was an honor to be asked.
“I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to the flagship journal of the American Educational Research Association,” she said.
Published nine times a year, Educational Researcher releases articles of interest to the education research community and policymakers, with the objective of making major programmatic research and new findings of importance widely accessible. The subject matter in the pieces stem from a wide range of areas within the education field and related disciplines.
As an editorial board member, Delaney will review manuscripts and contribute to the peer-review process for the field. The editorial board of the journal is known as being diverse and comprised of experts in a wide variety of subject areas, disciplines, and specialties. The members will hold an April 28 meeting during the AERA Annual Meeting in San Antonio.