Graduate and professional students at Illinois are invited to submit images of their research, creative, or scholarly work for the fifth annual Image of Research competition.
The entry deadline is Monday, January 22, 2018.
Entries will be judged by a multidisciplinary panel for connection between image, text, and research; originality; and visual impact. The work of semifinalists will be on display at a reception in the University Library during Graduate Student Appreciation week in early April.
Finalists compete for the following:
First prize: $500
Second prize: $300
Third prize: $200
Honorable mention(s): $100
People’s Choice Award: $100
The Image of Research is cosponsored by the Scholarly Commons of the University Library and the Graduate College. It is supported by a generous gift to the Scholarly Commons from the Division of Intercollegiate Athletics. For more information about the competition, including requirements, deadlines, and judging criteria, please visit