Co-taught by scholars Chris Higgins and Anke Pinkert, the Introduction to Public Humanities course (GCL 199) will be available for students during the Fall 2018 semester. Four themes will be covered in the experiential, interdisciplinary class: attention (how is democratic life affected by a contemporary culture that divides, funnels, and captures our attention); avatars (how we relate to ourselves and others); voice (finding a meaningful voice in the dialogue of public life); and walls (scaling or dismantling walls within ourselves and groups).
Tuesdays and Thursdays
2-3:20 p.m.
English Building, Room 44; Room 69 for breakout groups
Chris Higgins is an associate professor in the Department of Education Policy, Organization & Leadership.
Anke Pinkert is an associate professor in the Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures.
Contact Higgins or Pinkert at or for inquiries about the course.