Congratulations to Educational Psychology doctoral student María B. Serrano Abreu, who is part of the first cohort of Interseminars Graduate Fellows: nine students from a range of disciplines and home colleges, including Education, Fine and Applied Arts, and Liberal Arts and Sciences.
The campus' Humanities Research Institute (HRI) has selected these nine fellows to collaborate with faculty conveners in the design of cross-departmental and cross-college courses, participating in the project’s two summer intensives, an interdisciplinary methods seminar and themed seminar course, and engaging in collaborative research. The project spans an 18-month period, culminating in a community event.
From her bio, Serrano Abreu says her research interests emphasize antiracist and afrocentrated education in Puerto Rico, qualitative methodologies, and racial identity and aesthetic standards. Most of her research fieldwork is related to the project of the #TurbanteoConsciente, in where her group has utilized headwraps as a strategic tool to embrace afrodescendant heritage while using it as cultural resistance accessory.
Read the full story from HRI...