The College of Education and the Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Institute at Illinois are launching a new Health Equity Undergraduate Scholars program that will empower up to five promising undergraduates to pursue community-based projects focused on issues in health disparities. The students will work closely with a faculty member and community organization as part of an existing collaboration, and receive a $3,000 disbursement for the 10-week summer program.
We are currently seeking research projects, program evaluations, needs assessments, or other projects that address a health disparity and involve at least one community organization (health agencies, nonprofit organizations, summer programs for children, organizations serving older adults and people with disabilities, etc.) and an Illinois faculty member. If you have a qualifying project and would like to explore the opportunity for a health disparities scholar to help accelerate your work, please email Brandi Barnes and Emily Stone at
Additionally, please encourage students who may be interested in this program to apply by April 1, 2019.