Faculty, sharing the impact of your work inspires prospective students, potential research partners, granting organizations, and donors. We need your help in identifying yoru contributions to the field of education so it can be communicated broadly. Please tell our Communications Office about your latest research and achievements by updating your research summary in Activity Insight and/or sending us an email about books, book chapters, precedings that you're authored or co-authored; papers and journal articles that you have published, as well.
This is not the time to be shy about your accomplishments. The work you do is meaningful. We ask that by July 12, 2019, you review and update your research summary in Activity Insight to make sure it includes examples of the impact of your research.
- How has your research/work advanced the scholarship of your particular area of study?
- How has it been translated into practice?
- Are there breakthroughs attributed to your research?
- Have you held a prestigious scholarly appointment, or been recognized by an influential professional organization?
- What are you most proud of contributing to the field of education?
Please provide a third-person summary of your research and its specific impact using key words that website visitors might use if they utilize the “Find Faculty” search.
Link to Activity Insight: https://www.digitalmeasures.com/login/illinois/faculty. Once you have logged in, please choose “Manage Activities” in the “Activities” menu, then choose “Personal & Directory Information” from the list to edit your Research Summary. The summary statements on this screen are used on your college web profile.
If you are the author/co-author of a book and have a picture of your book’s cover, a .jpeg or link to it would be excellent.
If you have any questions about this, or about any updates, please contact Ashley Lawrence alawren@illinois.edu or Danielle Ward dfarmer@illinois.edu.