Congratulations to Dr. Gloriana González, associate professor of mathematics education in the Department of Curriculum & Instruction, for recently being awarded a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) for her proposal, titled, Developing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Pre-service Math Teachers by Enhancement of a Methods Course Using Instrumental Orchestration and Lesson Study Strategies.
With support from the NSF Improving Undergraduate STEM Education Program: Education and Human Resources (IUSE: EHR), this project aims to establish practices to help pre-service secondary mathematics teachers (PSTs) learn how to lead classroom discussions with interconnectivity technology. The proposal's main goal is the development of PSTs' technological pedagogical content knowledge. To do this, the project will adapt Lesson Study, which employs a cycle of planning, teaching, and reflecting. Thus, this project aims to grapple with a challenge that often exists in pre-service education, that is the relationship of what PSTs experience in methods courses to what happens in their clinical practice.
González is the Illinois principal investigator on this collaborative study with the University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras. She credits the grants and proposals team at the Bureau of Educational Research as crucial in the successfully-funded proposal. The project officially begins October 1, 2019.
View the research project abstract and award information here.