Congratulations to the Department of Curriculum & Instruction, whose BS program in Early Childhood Education was identified as exemplary in the Learning Outcomes Assessment Update for AY 2018-2019. Fewer than 10 percent of all degree programs at the university received this recognition.
The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Provost compiles the data that measures learning outcomes assessment work. Exemplary recognition is determined based on unanimous agreement among reviewers that the work should serve as a model for campus.
Additionally, the department has been encouraged to apply for a Provost's Initiative on Teaching Advancement (PITA) grant. The $7,500 award enables recipients to design, implement, and assess instructional and pedagogical innovation that has a high probability of enhancing education at Illinois.
The College of Education, as well as the Provost's Office, is proud of C&I's commitment to the educational achievement of Illinois students.