EPOL 409 Sociology of Education (formerly EPS 420), Tuesday, 3:00 to 4:50pm, Room 323 EDUC Bldg
Professor: Dr. Bernice Barnett (PhD. in Sociology; email: bmbarnet@illinois.edu)
EPOL 409 section A; 4-Hours for Graduate Students: CRN #73293
EPOL 409 section B; 3-Hours for Undergraduates: CRN #73294
Description: EPOL 409 Sociology of Education (formerly EPS 420) can be used to fulfill the EPOL social foundations requirements for Master’s students and advanced hours for Learning and Education Studies (LES) majors. This course is a sociological examination of education and schooling in society. Students will: (1.) learn about how major sociological theories/theorists view and explain education and its relationship to society; (2.) become familiar with key sociological concepts, assumptions, questions, research, methods, issues, and debates related to education/schooling in various school organizational settings from pre-k through higher education and in diverse societal contexts/eras; (3.) analyze race/gender/class+ diversity in education and society, including the experiences, representations, opportunities, and challenges of students, teachers, and administrators in various school settings and eras; and (4.) assess the educational impact and legacies of teacher-led and student-led movements in education and society, such as the student free speech movement, African American, Mexican American, Asian American, Native American civil rights struggles as well as women/feminist, anti-war, special education, disability, LGBTQ+, anti-poverty, language minority, immigrant, and migrant farm worker rights movements.