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  • U of I online social work degree programs address diversity needs

    Male and female social work students studying together using a laptop computer

    Community college transfer students and those with four-year degrees in social work or other disciplines now have the opportunity to complete bachelor’s or master’s degrees in social work through two new online programs, the iBSW and iMSW programs. The School of Social Work created the programs to remove some of the barriers to degree completion faced by community college transfer students and working professionals.

    Photo by Allison Sanborn


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  • Editor’s Note: To reach Christine Escobar-Sawicki, call 217-244-5229; email

    To reach Carol Wilson-Smith, call 217-244-5228; email

    The paper “Reimagining social work education: A systems-thinking approach to a BSW/MSW program for community college students” is available online or from the News Bureau.

    DOI: 10.1080/10437797.2022.2144977