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  • Team discovers how western corn rootworm resists crop rotation

    Some western corn rootworms, like this gravid (egg-carrying) female, survive on soybean leaves long enough to lay their eggs in soybean fields. When the eggs hatch, the larvae feed on corn roots if the same fields are planted in corn the following year.

    Some western corn rootworms, like this gravid (egg-carrying) female, survive on soybean leaves long enough to lay their eggs in soybean fields. When the eggs hatch, the larvae feed on corn roots if the same fields are planted in corn the following year.

    Photo by Joseph Spencer, INHS


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  • Editor's note: To reach Manfredo Seufferheld, call 217-333-6505; email To reach Jorge Zavala, call 217-333-6505; email To reach Joseph Spencer, call 217-244-6851; email

    The paper, “Abnormally high digestive enzyme activity and gene expression explain the contemporary evolution of a Diabrotica biotype able to feed on soybeans,” is available online.