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  • New history of photography focuses on presidents

    The new book "Photographic Presidents" charts the evolution of photography through its interactions with U.S. presidents. University of Illinois professor Cara Finnegan is the author.

    Cara Finnegan’s new book charts the evolution of photography through its interactions with U.S. presidents, represented on its cover by John Quincy Adams in the early daguerreotype era and Barack Obama in the digital. Finnegan is a University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign communication professor.

    Book cover courtesy the University of Illinois Press. Obama image from an official White House photo by Pete Souza. Adams image a lithograph based on an 1843 daguerreotype by Philip Haas.


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  • Editor’s notes:

    To reach Cara Finnegan, call 217-369-8699; email; Twitter @carafinnegan

    Her book “Photographic Presidents: Making History from Daguerreotype to Digital” will be published in April by the University of Illinois Press.