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  • Campus lowers energy consumption 6.5 percent for FY09

    Energy conservation efforts at the Urbana campus during Fiscal Year 2009, which ended June 30, helped the campus reduce electricity consumption from the prior fiscal year, according to information released recently by Facilities and Services Division. That was only the second time during the past two decades that electricity consumption declined from one year to the next, said Terry Ruprecht, director of energy conservation at F&S, shown here with a power meter.

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    Energy conservation efforts at the Urbana campus during Fiscal Year 2009, which ended June 30, helped the campus reduce electricity consumption from the prior fiscal year, according to information released recently by Facilities and Services Division. That was only the second time during the past two decades that electricity consumption declined from one year to the next, said Terry Ruprecht, director of energy conservation at F&S, shown here with a power meter.

    Photo by L. Brian Stauffer


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