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  • Web Services introduces new Web tools, service upgrades

    Lance Campbell, software architect for Web Services, leads a workshop for staff members on enhancements to Web Services' suite of online tools. Web Services recently added a blog service to the toolbox, which also includes calendars, forms, e-newsletters, discussion boards and text messaging, among other online services. The tools are available free to all students and faculty and staff members at the three UI campuses.  Click photo to enlarge

    Lance Campbell, software architect for Web Services, leads a workshop for staff members on enhancements to Web Services' suite of online tools. Web Services recently added a blog service to the toolbox, which also includes calendars, forms, e-newsletters, discussion boards and text messaging, among other online services. The tools are available free to all students and faculty and staff members at the three UI campuses. Click photo to enlarge

    Photo by L. Brian Stauffer


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