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  • La Colectiva advocates for immigrants, social justice, change

    Among the members of La Colectiva: front row, from left, Laura Carlos; Samantha Busso, the 2013-2014 president; Ines Nava; Kevin Estrella; and Cristian Nuo; back row: Neil Hernandez; Diego Espino; Andrea Barron, Xavier Ramirez; and Jennifer Escobar.

    Among the members of La Colectiva: front row, from left, Laura Carlos; Samantha Busso, the 2013-2014 president; Ines Nava; Kevin Estrella; and Cristian Nuo; back row: Neil Hernandez; Diego Espino; Andrea Barron, Xavier Ramirez; and Jennifer Escobar.

    Photo by L. Brian Stauffer


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