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  • First dogs in the Americas arrived from Siberia, disappeared after European contact

    A new study adds to the evidence that dogs were domesticated before first migrating to the Americas.

    A new study adds to the evidence that dogs were domesticated before first migrating to the Americas. The dogs’ history parallels that of ancient humans who migrated from North Asia to North America, dispersed throughout the Americas and suffered major population declines upon contact with European colonists. Dots represent sites from which the bones of ancient dogs were collected for the new analysis and the relative ages of the bones.

    Graphic by Julie McMahon / Photo by Angus McNab


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  • Editor’s notes:

    To reach Ripan Malhi, email  

    To reach Kelsey Witt, email

    The paper “The evolutionary history of dogs in the Americas” is available online and from the U. of I. News Bureau.

    DOI: 10.1126/science.aao4776