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  • Study suggests how, when to support military couples after homecoming

    Communication professor Leanne Knobloch’s work in recent years has focused on how military service members and their families adjust following deployments.

    Communication professor Leanne Knobloch’s work in recent years has focused on how military service members and their families adjust following deployments. It’s an outgrowth of her research interest in how people communicate within close relationships, especially during times of transition.

    Photo by L. Brian Stauffer


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  • Editor’s notes:

    To reach Leanne Knobloch (pronounced kuh-NO-block), call 217-333-8913; email

    The paper “Mental health symptoms and the reintegration difficulty of military couples following deployment: A longitudinal application of the relational turbulence model” is available from the Journal of Clinical Psychology (access may be restricted) or from the News Bureau.

    DOI: 10.1002/jclp.22734