More than 40 capital improvement construction projects are in progress this summer on the Urbana campus. Substantial completion is expected by the start of the fall semester for the Henry Dale and Betty Smith Football Center, Foellinger Auditorium and the Education Building, along with multiple restroom renovations, roof replacements, elevator upgrades, and classroom and laboratory modernizations.
Work will continue into the next academic year on the Siebel Center for Design at Illinois, Sidney Lu Mechanical Engineering Building, Illinois Street Residence Hall Dining Facility and renovation of the Medical Sciences Building–Carle Illinois College of Medicine.
Coordinating with professional services consultants and campus stakeholders, Facilities and Services develops May–August construction phasing for campus facility and infrastructure projects when practical to minimize potential inconveniences for students, faculty members and staff.
More information, including a map and descriptions of the projects, is available on the F&S website.