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  • Senate continues to grapple with new background check policy

    The newly expanded background check policy will be implemented by the Nov. 1 deadline, but suggested revisions for it won't be brought to the U. of I. Board of Trustees until January.

  • President Killeen announces $24 million in cost-saving initiatives

    University of Illinois President Timothy L. Killeen announced nearly $24 million in spending cuts Oct. 19 for central administration programs not directly related to teaching and research as the university prepares for expected reductions in funding once a new state budget is approved.

  • Judy Whittington, an administrative aide, said her favorite part of working on campus is the people she has met through her jobs. A 26-year U. of I. employee, she has worked at the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, the department of statistics and currently the department of astronomy.

    On the Job: Judy Whittington

    Judy Whittington is one of the first people who new faculty and staff members and students meet in the department of astronomy. She makes them feel welcome and continues to provide support throughout their time at the university.


  • Sandy DallErba is a new associate professor of agricultural and consumer economics in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences. I chose Illinois for several reasons, DallErba said. On a professional level, my current department has a very good reputation and is composed of brilliant scholars.  On a more personal level, Urbana-Champaign has the perfect size, ambiance and diversity that my wife and I seek to raise our two daughters.

    New Faces 2015: Sandy Dall’Erba

    Sandy Dall’Erba, an associate professor of agricultural and consumer economics in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, is among the new faculty members to be included in our New Faces feature.

  • 2015-16 committee rosters available

    The annual summary of committee members on the Urbana-Champaign campus can be viewed online. In an effort to provide the most accurate information, Inside Illinois has compiled a list of URLs for units that appoint committees.

  • New Faces 2015: Aaron McCollough

    Aaron McCollough, an assistant professor for the university library and the head of scholarly communications and publishing, is among the new faculty members to be included in our New Faces feature.

  • U. of I. leaders focus on state budget resolution, lifting of AAUP censure

    Administrators are continuing to apply pressure to state leaders for a budget resolution, and are working to have the University of Illinois removed from the American Association of University Professors censure list.

  • Interim Chancellor Barbara J. Wilson makes a point during discussion about the university's expanded background check policy at the Oct. 12 Senate Executive Committee meeting. Wilson said the revision process needs to be completed before the delay hampers campus hiring.

    Faculty members continue to push for background check policy changes

    Interim Chancellor Barbara J. Wilson said suggestions for changes in the university's expanded background check policy are being seriously considered.

  • Campus shows off its fall colors

    Vibrant colors surround the north entrance to the Illini Union on a recent fall day. 

  • Promotions, tenure announced

    In July, the U. of I. Board of Trustees approved faculty promotions in academic rank and changes in tenure status.

  • Students prepared a meal as part of Jamie Jones' Grand Challenge course, "Fictions of Sustainability." Through classic literary narratives, students follow the pathway that food takes to the table, as well as the social and environmental impact it has on society. The students are, from left: Nora Pinkowski, April Wendling, Thomas Wellborn, Claire Bollinger and Pranav Perepa.

    Grand Challenge courses to follow multidisciplinary themes

    Faculty members teaching six Grand Challenge Experience courses this fall say they've enjoyed opening students' eyes to the unnoticed connections of a research campus, and they hope it leads to a new way of engaging student participation and thinking.

  • Alt: Kelly Tu

    New Faces 2015: Kelly Tu

    Kelly Tu, an assistant professor of human development and family studies in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, is among the new faculty members to be featured in our New Faces feature. Inside Illinois continues its tradition of introducing some of the new faculty members on campus and will feature one new colleague each week during the fall semester. 

  • Initiative rethinks how general education courses are designed and delivered

    Undergraduate education at Illinois is in the process of a new experiment. This semester marked the start of a multiyear pilot designed to analyze what general education is and what role it serves on a research campus such as the University of Illinois.

  • Dedicated to student veterans

    Many of those who helped make the Chez Family Foundation Center for Wounded Veterans in Higher Education a reality were on hand to cut the ribbon Oct. 2 to  mark the official opening of the center. 

  • Teams awarded seed grants by Illinois Learning Sciences Design Initiative

    Ten interdisciplinary research teams at the Urbana campus have been awarded grants under the first phase of the Illinois Learning Sciences Design Initiative’s seed funding program.

  • Center for Wounded Veterans maintains campus's commitment to disabled students

    The design concept behind the U. of I.'s new Center for Wounded Veterans in Higher Education building was simple: It should feel free from conflict. The concept becomes reality with the official dedication of the center from 3:30-5 p.m. Oct. 2.

  • Garrett Anderson

    Student veterans say new center is a lifeline and oasis

    Returning service men and women have always faced the challenge of reintegrating into civilian life. But those returning with disabilities because of a combat injury face the additional challenge of having to redefine their physical identity.

  • Background check policy implementation delayed until Nov. 1

    The Urbana campus will have an additional four weeks to fully implement a new employment background check policy for new hires that goes into effect Oct. 5, university officials have announced.

  • Sergei Maslov

    New Faces 2015: Sergei Maslov

    Sergei Maslov, professor of bioengineering and the Bliss Faculty Scholar in the College of Engineering, is among the new faculty members to be featured in our annual "New Faces" feature. Inside Illinois continues its tradition of introducing some of the new faculty members on campus and will feature one new colleague online each week during the fall semester. 

  • On the Job: Michael Merriman

    Michael Merriman, a building operations engineer for Campus Recreation, is comfortable in almost any environment. Stationed at the Activities and Recreation Center, Merriman monitors and services the heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems at ARC and several other recreational facilities on campus.

  • Killeen says campus should lead chancellor selection process

    As senators approved a measure Sept. 21 outlining the committee selection process for a permanent chancellor, U. of I. President Timothy L. Killeen told them this search could be less conventional than those in the past.

  • Senators turn down resolution to consider 'non-official communications'

    A resolution to establish a committee to consider whether "ethical norms" were breached by faculty members in an incident related to their conversations with former Chancellor Phyllis M. Wise failed to pass the senate Sept. 21.

  • Police begin enforcement of campus smoking policy

    The U. of I. Police Department last week started citing smokers who flout the campus's smoking ban.

  • Senators ask board to postpone university background check policy

    Senators overwhelmingly approved a resolution Sept. 21 calling for the postponement of a universitywide background check policy set to go into effect Oct. 5.

  • Meet the Class of 2019

    A graphic illustration of the freshman class, which boasts the university’s largest class since 2005.

  • Liliane Windsor

    New Faces 2015: Liliane Windsor

    Liliane Windsor, assistant professor in the School of Social Work, is among the new faculty members to be featured in our annual "New Faces" feature. Inside Illinois continues its tradition of introducing some of the new faculty members on campus and will feature one new colleague online each week during the fall semester. 

  • On the Job: Rhonda Winston

    There are very few things in the Illinois Street Residence Halls kitchen that Rhonda Winston doesn't have her hand in. To rephrase, Winston, a kitchen helper since 2001, is an integral part of every dish served to the students of ISRH.

  • Diversity assurances added to chancellor's search process

    A resolution to create a chancellor's search committee was modified at the Sept. 14 Senate Executive Committee meeting to ensure state standards for underrepresented membership are met. Senators will vote on the measure at their Sept. 21 meeting.

  • Senate resolution seeks additional background check protections

    Senators will vote Sept. 21 on a resolution asking the U. of I. Board of Trustees to postpone the implementation of an expanded background check policy it approved at its Sept. 10 meeting in Urbana.

  • Christopher Dunbar Jr.

    New Faces 2015: Christopher Dunbar Jr.

    Christopher Dunbar Jr., a professor of education policy, organization and leadership in the College of Education, is among the new faculty members to be featured in our annual "New Faces" feature. Inside Illinois continues its tradition of introducing some of the new faculty members on campus and will feature one new colleague online each week during the fall semester. 

  • Navy Capt. Charles C. Moore, who also is the Urbana campuss Navy ROTC commanding officer, leads the pack Sept. 10 during the annual campus run to remember the victims of 9/11. He is followed by Navy Midshipman 1st Class Sheryl Acuna, who is the Navy ROTC battalion commander, and Midshipman 1st Class David Mielnik.

    Colors that run

    Navy Capt. Charles C. Moore, who also is the Urbana campus’s Navy ROTC commanding officer, leads the pack Sept. 10 during the annual campus run to remember the victims of 9/11. He is followed by Navy Midshipman 1st Class Sheryl Acuna, who is the Navy ROTC battalion commander, and Midshipman 1st Class David Mielnik. The other flags are being carried by members of the NROTC Color Guard. The run is a 2.8-mile course that ends at the Illini Union. The nearly 100 runners included ROTC candidates for all four military branches, as well as members of the police and fire training institutes.

  • USC, board to redouble efforts to work in tandem

    A report to the U. of I. Board of Trustees at its Sept. 10 meeting outlining the University Senates Conference's 2015 agenda led to pledges from both groups to work together to better meet the U. of I.'s civic land-grant responsibilities. The conversation comes as new President Timothy L. Killeen works to develop a systemwide strategic plan by next year.

  • Enrollment strategies seeing success, leaders say

    Leaders say demonstrable improvement in the number of underrepresented students enrolling at the university is a sign university programs targeting them are succeeding.

  • Pradeep Khanna

    U. of I. Sesquicentennial celebration starting to take shape

    The university will celebrate its 150th birthday the same way it spreads knowledge -- all around the world. Pradeep Khanna, the associate chancellor for corporate and international relations, told the Board of Trustees at its Sept. 10 meeting that in addition to campus events, preparations are being made for a worldwide celebration in 2017 to mark the U. of I.'s start as a land-grand institution in 1867.

  • Board OKs background checks, gender reassignment surgery, Urbana construction

    The board of trustees gave its final approval on a background check policy for new faculty, academic profession and Civil Service employees and will consider whether to expand the policy to include graduate students and internal transfers in the future.

  • U. of I. President Timothy L. Killeen

    Employees will be paid despite state budget impasse

    The state's budget stalemate won't affect the university's ability to meet its payroll obligations, Chief Financial Officer Walter Knorr told trustees at their Sept. 10 meeting.

  • Carbon dioxide storage is focus of new center's mission

    Research by University of Illinois scientists with the Center for Geologic Storage of CO2 could have planetary implications while also producing benefits close to home.

  • Richard Benton

    New Faces 2015: Richard Benton

    Richard Benton, an assistant professor of labor and employment relations, is among the new faculty members to be featured in our annual "New Faces" feature. Inside Illinois continues its tradition of introducing some of the new faculty members on campus and will feature one new colleague online each week during the fall semester. 

  • On the Job: Walter Wilson

    Walter Wilson's work is behind every great piece of art in Krannert Art Museum. And, if you take into consideration each individual's tastes, it's also behind some of the not-so-great pieces.

  • SEC covers much ground at semester's first meeting

    The Senate Executive Committee got right to work in its first meeting of the semester Aug. 24, tackling a hefty agenda that portends the busy year ahead.

  • Francina Dominguez is a new assistant professor in the department of atmospheric sciences. She also is an alumna of the University of Illinois, earning her Ph.D. and M.S. in civil and environmental engineering at the Urbana-Champaign campus.

    New Faces 2015: Francina Dominguez

    Francina Dominguez,  an assistant professor of atomospheric sciences, is the first new faculty member to featured in our annual "New Faces" feature. Among the newcomers to the Urbana campus we will feature are faculty members whose appointments began this summer or fall. Inside Illinois continues its tradition of introducing some of the new faculty members on campus and will feature one new colleague online each week during the fall semester. 

  • SEC formulates selection process for chancellor search

    The Senate Executive Committee won't be involved in the selection of search committee members for a permanent chancellor. The SEC met in a special meeting Aug. 31, called after leaders received a directive from President Timothy L. Killeen to begin the chancellor search process. 

  • photo of U. of I. President Timothy L. Killeen

    Transition team to begin phase-out of UIC medical school in Urbana

    University of Illinois President Timothy L. Killeen has enlisted a transition team to guide the process of reconfiguring UIC’s medical school structure in light of the creation of an Urbana-based medical school.

  • Acting Chancellor Barbara Wilson said she will accept nominations from every corner of campus in her search to fill the crucial position of vice chancellor for academic affairs and provost.

    Acting Chancellor Wilson taking provost candidate suggestions

    Acting Chancellor Barbara Wilson said she will accept nominations from every corner of campus in her search to fill the crucial position of vice chancellor for academic affairs and provost.

  • Gordon Oyer, a senior financial analyst in the Office of Business and Financial Services since 1985, recently wrote the book Pursuing the Spiritual Roots of Protest, which focuses on the 1964 peacemaker retreat at a Kentucky monastery hosted by philosopher Thomas Merton. Oyer said many of the topics the religious leaders focused on then are still being debated today.

    Financial analyst turns interest in 20th-century monk into book

    Gordon Oyer for years has had a casual interest in Thomas Merton, the 20th-century Trappist monk known for his popular philosophical writings and penchant for living in hermitage. Wanting to know more, he wrote a book about Merton.

  • Although the next time faculty and staff members receive Inside Illinois, it will be in their email inbox, the online version will include the same kinds of quality news and research articles, and photographs as the print version. And the same staff members will be behind the scenes preparing it: from left, editor Doris Dahl, photographer L. Brian Stauffer, assistant editor Mike Helenthal and the six News Bureau staff writers that contribute the research news.

    Last print issue as Inside Illinois moves to online-only format

    Although the next time faculty and staff members receive Inside Illinois, it will be in their email inbox, the online version will include the same kinds of quality news and research articles, and photographs as the print version.

  • Former chancellor Phyllis M. Wise, whose legacy includes the formation of the Urbana-based engineering-focused college of medicine, resigned Aug. 6 and will return to the faculty.

    Leadership changes dominate news, Wise returns to faculty

    The appointment of Barbara J. Wilson as acting chancellor capped off a week of rapid-fire news concerning U. of I. leadership.

  • Mark R. Ryan, a leading wildlife biologist and an expert in conservation and natural resources, has been named the executive director of the Prairie Research Institute at the U. of I.

    Prominent biologist named leader of Prairie Research Institute

    Mark R. Ryan, a leading wildlife biologist and an expert in conservation and natural resources, has been named the executive director of the Prairie Research Institute at the U. of I. The director of the School of Natural Resources at the University of Missouri, Ryan will join Illinois Oct. 1, pending the approval of the U. of I. Board of Trustees.

  • Andrew Alleyne

    U. of I. to lead center for power optimization in mobile electronics

    Heat is the enemy for people designing cars, construction machinery, aircraft and mobile electronics. When electrical systems do more work, they get hotter. When they get too hot, they operate inefficiently, fail or even melt.

  • Bright future Work has started on the U. of I.s 20.8-acre solar farm, located at the southwest corner of Windsor Road and First Street, Champaign. The farm, expected to be completed by the end of the year, will generate about 2 percent of the campuss annual electrical usage.

    Solar farm work reflects university’s climate commitment

    Work has begun on the U. of I.’s first solar farm, which by the end of the year is expected to be online and on its way to generating 2 percent of the campus’s annual electricity usage.