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  • Tax laws tilt the playing field in favor of financial elites, making economic inequality a somewhat solvable problem if Congress were inclined to change things, says Richard L. Kaplan, the Peer and Sarah Pedersen Professor of Law at Illinois and an internationally recognized expert on U.S. taxation and tax policy.

    Income inequality partially driven by tax laws, University of Illinois expert says

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - Income inequality is partly a self-inflicted problem, and elected officials have used the law to exacerbate the problem, a University of Illinois expert on taxation issues says.

  • Time is running out to avert severe global damage from climate change, says Don Fullerton, a finance professor and co-author of a chapter of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's fifth assessment report.

    Expert: Next 15 years is 'crunch time' for climate change

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - Time is running out to employ a mitigation strategy that would avert severe global damage from climate change, a University of Illinois energy policy expert says.

  • Mutual funds are more likely to oppose a firm's management when they are "locked-in" to a position that would otherwise trigger a capital gains tax for their investors, says research co-written by Scott Weisbenner, the James F. Towey Faculty Fellow in the College of Business.

    Capital gains tax 'locks in' investors, increases likelihood of opposition to fund management

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - As mutual funds continue to gobble up a larger portion of equities, the influence they exert over corporate governance has likewise increased.

  • A labor dispute serves the NCAA's interests better than an antitrust lawsuit, which could potentially cost the NCAA millions of dollars in monetary damages, says Michael LeRoy, a professor of labor and employment relations at Illinois.

    Labor relations expert: The NCAA prefers labor strife to an antitrust lawsuit

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - A labor dispute serves the NCAA's interests better than an antitrust lawsuit, which could potentially cost the governing body for college athletes millions of dollars in monetary damages, says a University of Illinois expert in labor relations and collective bargaining in athletics.

  • What role should government play in regulating payday loans?

    A Minute With™...

  • Economics professors Stefan Krasa and Mattias Polborn (left) have published a paper on a theory of candidate competition that accounts for the influence of both economic and cultural issues on individual voting behavior.

    Swing voters hold more sway over candidates on economic issues

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - New research from two University of Illinois economics professors who study election trends analyzes how polarization on social issues affects competing candidates' economic platforms.

  • Raising the minimum wage in Illinois to $10 per hour would stimulate the state economy but not have much of an effect - positive or negative - on employment, according to a new study co-written by Robert Bruno, a professor of labor and employment relations on the Urbana campus.

    Paper: Raise state minimum wage to stimulate Illinois economy

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - Raising the minimum wage in Illinois to $10 per hour would reduce income inequality, increase consumer demand and grow the state economy, according to a new study from a University of Illinois labor expert.

  • Flash Index dips slightly in February

    The U. of I. Flash Index fell in February to 106.8 from its 107.2 level in January. The index has remained in a narrow range from 106.5 to 107.2 since July of last year, demonstrating how slow the recovery from the recession has been in Illinois.

  • Proposed changes to the pre-trial phase of a lawsuit could make it easier for litigants to withhold evidence, says Suja A. Thomas, a University of Illinois law professor and expert in civil procedure.

    Expert: Proposed change to discovery rules a potential 'game-changer'

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - A seemingly innocuous proposal that would allow litigants to withhold evidence during the pre-trial phase of a lawsuit could make it easier for large corporations to conceal information in lawsuits, according to a University of Illinois expert in civil procedure.

  • Madhu Viswanathan, the Diane and Steven N. Miller Professor in Business at Illinois, is the author of "Subsistence Marketplaces," an e-book that focuses on the intersection of poverty and marketplaces.

    New e-book explores intersection of poverty and the marketplace

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - A little more than a third of the world's population lives on less per day than the amount of money most Americans spend on their morning cup of coffee. That fact alone should make understanding and alleviating poverty crucial to the development of sustainable marketplaces, a University of Illinois business professor says in a recently published e-book.

  • The debates surrounding the sustainability of bioenergy will only grow louder as big urban areas in the U.S. start running out of water, said Jody Endres, a professor of bioenergy, environmental and natural resources law at Illinois.

    Biomass industry needs to prepare for water constraints

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - The viability of the bioenergy crops industry could be strengthened by regulatory efforts to address nonpoint source pollution from agricultural sources. That, in turn, means that the industry should be strategic in developing metrics that measure the ability to enact positive changes in agricultural landscapes, particularly through second-generation perennial crops, according to a paper by a University of Illinois expert in bioenergy law.

  • Michael LeRoy

    College football players' union petition puts NCAA in tough spot

    A Minute With™... employment and labor relations professor Michael LeRoy

  • Efforts to increase the use of workplace support programs for employees may be hindered by the impression that doing so undermines job security, says research co-written by T. Brad Harris, a professor of labor and employment relations at Illinois.

    Perception of job insecurity results in lower use of workplace programs

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - With the hangover from the Great Recession still lingering, the specter of job loss continues to loom for most workers.

  • Peter Schiffer

    Federal budget deal offers some welcome stability for research

    A Minute With™... Peter Schiffer, a professor of physics and the vice chancellor for research

  • Cultural sensitivity and a holistic approach to individuals are necessary qualities for executives working abroad, says Anupam Agrawal, a professor of business administration at Illinois.

    Cultural sensitivity necessary for global business leaders, scholar says

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - Global business leaders must adapt their behavior to the country in which they are doing business or risk being perceived as ineffective and unable to handle complexity, change and ambiguity, says a paper co-written by a University of Illinois business professor.

  • The lack of contact between firms at either end of a supply chain prevents companies from gaining efficiencies in costs, design and materials, says Anupam Agrawal, a professor of business administration at Illinois.

    Research: 'Sourcing hub' could help create more efficient supply chain

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - Firms can manage their sourcing better by developing relationships not only with their suppliers but also with their suppliers' suppliers, according to two papers co-written by a University of Illinois expert in supply chain management.

  • Repealing the state of Illinois' prevailing wage law would not result in any significant savings for taxpayers or the state, says a new study co-written by Robert Bruno, a professor of labor and employment relations on the Urbana campus.

    Repealing prevailing wage law would weaken state economy, study says

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - Mounting state budget deficits as well as debt from underfunded pensions have prompted calls for the repeal of Illinois' prevailing wage provisions for publicly financed construction projects in order to save taxpayer money.

  • Jeffrey R. Brown

    Illinois' pension reform plan: Will it work?

    A Minute With™... finance professor Jeffrey R. Brown

  • Materialism makes negative outcomes even worse, according to research co-written by Aric Rindfleisch, the John M. Jones Professor of Marketing in the College of Business.

    Research: Materialism makes bad events even worse

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - In addition to its already well-documented negative direct effects on a person's well-being, materialism also wields an indirect negative effect by making bad events even worse, according to a paper co-written by a University of Illinois expert in consumption values.

  • Robert Bruno

    Should the minimum wage be raised to $9 per hour (or more)?

    A Minute With™... Robert Bruno, a professor of labor and employment relations

  • The number of lawsuits generated by "patent trolls" is wildly exaggerated, says a new paper co-written by University of Illinois law professor Jay P. Kesan.

    Research: Explosion of lawsuits brought by 'patent trolls' erroneous

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - The number of lawsuits generated by so-called "patent trolls" is wildly exaggerated, and is mostly the byproduct of a slight change to a federal law, says a new paper co-written by a University of Illinois expert in technology and legal issues.

  • The widespread use of advanced surveillance technologies by state and local police departments combined with a lack of oversight and regulation poses significant privacy concerns, warns Stephen Rushin, a professor of law at Illinois.

    Better police surveillance technologies come with a cost, scholar says

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - The ever-increasing adoption of digital surveillance technologies by local police departments may dramatically improve the efficiency of criminal investigations, but it also creates the opportunity for abuse and misuse, a University of Illinois expert in criminal law and information privacy says.

  • Congress should actually be empowered in order to uphold the constitutional checks and balances that help to curb overreach by the other two branches of government, says University of Illinois law professor Jamelle Sharpe.

    Scholar: Empower Congress to bolster separation of powers

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - Although it may not receive high marks these days as a public body, Congress should actually be empowered so it can uphold the constitutional checks and balances that help to curb overreach by the other two branches of government, a University of Illinois expert in administrative law says in a newly published paper.

  • Craig Gundersen

    Possible effects from the early reduction in food stamp benefits

    A Minute With™... UI economist Craig Gundersen

  • Law professor Richard L. Kaplan says older workers delaying retirement or putting it off entirely should carefully consider the financial-planning options available in Social Security, Medicare and employment-based retirement plans.

    Retirement expert: Financial planning important for non-retirees, too

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - As older workers increasingly contemplate delaying retirement or putting it off entirely, they should also consider the financial-planning options available in Social Security, Medicare and employment-based retirement plans such as IRAs and 401(k) accounts, says a University of Illinois expert on taxation and retirement benefits.

  • In a new study, University of Illinois law professor Jay P. Kesan, right, and Timothy A. Slating, a regulatory associate with the Energy Biosciences Institute, say that the Renewable Fuel Standard should be slightly modified, not repealed.

    Study: Renewable fuel standard needs to be modified, not repealed

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - Congress should minimally modify - and not, as petroleum-related interests have increasingly lobbied for, repeal - the Renewable Fuel Standard, the most comprehensive renewable energy policy in the U.S., according to a new paper from two University of Illinois researchers.

  • Scott Tainsky

    Should college athletes be paid?

    A Minute With™...  former coach Don Hardin and sports economist Scott Tainsky, both  faculty members in recreation, sport and tourism

  • Sean M. Anderson

    A change to benefits policy for same-sex married federal employees

    A Minute With™... law professor Sean M. Anderson 

  • University of Illinois finance professor Jeffrey R. Brown says that the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp., the federal pension insurance agency that steps in when private-sector employers with underfunded defined-benefit plans go bankrupt, is facing a financial shortfall.

    Research: Risks to government pension insurer worse than thought

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - A study co-written by a University of Illinois pension policy expert warns that the financial risks facing the government-sponsored corporation that insures all private-sector pension plans in the U.S. are much greater than commonly thought.

  • Why we haven't seen the last of the fast-food workers' strikes

    A Minute With™... Steven Ashby, a professor of labor and employment relations

  • An empirical study of employee benefits litigation from 2006 to 2010 reveals that cases involving long-term disability claims accounted for more than 60 percent of all federal cases, according to research from Sean M. Anderson, a University of Illinois expert in employee benefit plan policy and regulation.

    Long-term disability claims dominate benefits litigation, study says

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - An empirical study of employee benefits litigation from 2006 to 2010 reveals that cases involving long-term disability claims accounted for over 60 percent of all federal cases among five broad categories, including health care, life and accidental death, and pension cases.

  • Christopher Z. Mooney

    What to expect in Illinois' general election for governor

    A Minute With™... Christopher Z. Mooney, the director of the Institute of Government and Public Affairs

  • Round-the-clock gambling could be disastrous for the state of Illinois, says John Kindt, an emeritus professor of business and legal policy.

    24-hour casinos a bad bet for Illinois, gambling critic says

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - Casinos in the state of Illinois want to keep their roulette wheels spinning 24 hours a day, but a leading national gambling critic warns that round-the-clock gambling could be disastrous for the Land of Lincoln.

  • A disagreement among state courts on drunk-driving homicide cases can be resolved by requiring the prosecution to prove that the driver's intoxication contributed to the causal mechanism behind the accident, says a forthcoming paper from Eric A. Johnson, a professor of law at Illinois.

    'Causal overdetermination' provides middle ground for courts

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - A disagreement among state courts on the subject of drunk-driving homicide can be resolved by requiring the prosecution to prove in these cases not that the driver's intoxication caused the fatal accident, but merely that it contributed to the causal mechanism behind the accident, says a forthcoming paper by a University of Illinois expert on criminal law.

  • Firms shouldn't follow a "one-size-fits-all-markets" approach when evaluating and managing the performance of a brand, says forthcoming research from Raj Echambadi, a professor of business administration at Illinois.

    Study: One-size-fits-all approach doesn't work for different markets

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - When evaluating the performance of a brand in a certain territory, it might be more appropriate to evaluate it against its local competitors as opposed to its performance in other territories, according to research from a University of Illinois expert in business strategy.

  • Scant attention has been paid to the tax consequences of retirement income, says University of Illinois law professor Richard L. Kaplan.

    Expert: Taxation of retirement income in need of reform

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - Although planning for a comfortable retirement is a mainstay of public discussion, far less attention has been paid to the tax consequences of generating retirement income, says a University of Illinois expert on taxation and retirement benefits.

  • As firms grapple with the significant cost increases associated with the Affordable Care Act, the possibility emerges that employers would harass or retaliate against employees in order to avoid the law's financial penalties, according to law professors Peter Molk (pictured) and Suja A. Thomas.

    Loopholes in health care law could result in employee harassment

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - The contrasting incentives of employers and employees under the Affordable Care Act ultimately may result in increased employee harassment and retaliation claims, two University of Illinois law professors say in a paper they co-wrote.

  • "Thieves of Book Row: New York's Most Notorious Rare Book Ring and the Man Who Stopped It" is a Depression-era cat-and-mouse thriller about the pursuit of the most successful rare-book ring in U.S. history, says author Travis McDade, curator of law rare books at the College of Law.

    New book a real-life thriller about rare book theft at New York Public Library

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - A new book from a University of Illinois expert in crimes against rare books tells the real-life story of the biggest score in rare-book theft and the dogged hunt for the perpetrators by the special investigator of the New York Public Library.

  • University of Illinois chemistry professor Paul Hergenrother, left, and veterinary clinical medicine professor Tim Fan led a study of an anti-cancer compound in pet dogs that is now headed for human clinical trials.

    Cancer drug tested in pet dogs is now bound for human trials

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - Thanks to a new $2 million investment, a drug that spurs cancer cells to self-destruct while sparing healthy cells is on the road to human clinical trials. The compound, known as PAC-1, has so far proven safe and has promising anti-cancer effects in cell culture, in mouse models of cancer and in pet dogs with spontaneously occurring lymphomas and osteosarcomas.

  • The Illinois economy hasn't rebounded fast enough to reach pre-recessionary levels of output, wages and employment, according to a new study from Robert Bruno, a professor of labor and employment relations on the Urbana campus.

    Economy in Illinois improving, but recovery halting, study finds

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - The economy in Illinois may have finally emerged from the depths of the Great Recession, but it hasn't rebounded fast enough to reach pre-recessionary levels of output, wages and employment, according to a new study from a University of Illinois labor expert.

  • To keep pace with the ever-increasing demand for renewable energy, forest management policy in the U.S. must evolve to address environmental sustainability issues, says Jody Endres, a professor of bioenergy, environmental and natural resources law at Illinois.

    U.S. forest management policy must evolve to meet bioenergy targets

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - In order to keep pace with the burgeoning demand for renewable energy, forest management policy in the U.S. must change to address environmental sustainability issues, according to an article by a University of Illinois expert in bioenergy law.

  • Law professor Jay P. Kesan says the current "non-negotiable approach" to user privacy is in need of serious revision, especially with the increased popularity of Web-based software that shares information through cloud computing.

    Cloud computing user privacy in serious need of reform, scholars say

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - When Web surfers sign up for a new online service or download a Web application for their smartphone or tablet, the service typically requires them to click a seemingly innocuous box and accept the company's terms of service and privacy policy. But agreeing to terms without reading them beforehand can adversely affect a user's legal rights, says a new paper by a University of Illinois expert in technology and legal issues.

  • Don Fullerton

    Keystone XL pipeline and the cost of making fuel from tar sands

    A Minute With™... Don Fullerton, a finance professor and energy policy expert

  • Budget and pension woes in the state of Illinois are inextricably linked to giveaways to "Big Gambling," says professor emeritus John Kindt, a leading national gambling critic.

    Expert: State budget, pension woes tied to big gambling giveaways

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - Budget and pension woes in Illinois are inextricably linked to giveaways to "Big Gambling," a University of Illinois expert in legal policy says.

  • Well-intentioned policies to make achieving tenure more family-friendly actually have negative consequences for the salaries of college faculty, says a study co-written by University of Illinois labor and employment relations professor Amit Kramer.

    Family-friendly tenure policies result in salary penalty for professors

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. -Well-intentioned policies to make achieving tenure more family-friendly actually have negative consequences for the salaries of college faculty members, a study co-written by a University of Illinois labor and employment relations professor shows.

  • The Obama administration's controversial proposal to means-test Medicare recipients has one small problem - the Medicare program is already means-tested, says law professor Richard L. Kaplan, a University of Illinois expert on retirement benefits.

    Retirement expert: Medicare already means-tested

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - The Obama administration's controversial proposal to "means-test" Medicare recipients is ostensibly aimed at generating more cash for the government from those who can afford it - or squeezing more money out of upper-income seniors, depending upon one's point of view. But according to a University of Illinois expert on retirement benefits, the Medicare program is already means-tested.

  • Manufacturing using common components can actually reduce product line cannibalization, a finding that could allow firms to improve profits, says research by Dilip Chhajed (left) and Yunchuan "Frank" Liu, professors of business administration at Illinois.

    Research: Common component strategy could improve profits

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - When designing product lines, one important decision marketing and manufacturing managers must consider is whether to use common or product-specific components. While the use of common components can reduce manufacturing costs, firms have traditionally shied away from that strategy over concerns of intensifying what scholars call "product cannibalization."

  • Ravi S. Gajendran, a professor of business administration at Illinois, says companies with employees located around the globe can mitigate their isolation by taking a relationship-based approach in the form of a "leader-member exchange."

    Personalized leadership key for keeping globally distributed teams on task

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - For companies with employees around the globe, the challenges of distance, diversity and technology may threaten team cohesiveness among their long-distance workers. But according to a new study by a University of Illinois business professor, out of sight doesn't necessarily have to mean out of mind for virtual teams.

  • IGPA plan endorsed by state's university presidents

    U. of I. President Bob Easter has joined 14 other state university presidents in endorsing an alternative pension plan for employees within the State Universities Retirement System.

  • New hires' success on the job is highly dependent on their knowledge of the formal and informal social systems in the workplace, suggests a new study led by Russell Korte, a professor of  human resource development in the College of Education.

    'Social capital' key to workers' success on the job, study says

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - The quality of the social relationships that newly hired people develop with other employees in their work groups is critical to newcomers' job satisfaction, learning their responsibilities and their ability to fit in to the workplace culture, a new study suggests.