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  • After-school program teaches plant biology

    The American Society of Plant Biologists' Education Foundation will provide nearly $20,000 in funding for a new after-school program on plant biology at Urbana Middle School. With the support of faculty members from several departments, plant biology graduate students will develop the program, called Plants iView, which will have a strong online component.

  • Employees may change health plan Oct. 10-28

    University employees have one more opportunity to change their health plan.

  • UI, UIF record third highest gift total at $216.6 million

    Private gifts received for the UI and the UI Foundation in the fiscal year that ended on June 30, totaled $216.6 million - the third highest gift total ever, according to Walter Knorr, chief financial officer and treasurer of the foundation. FY11 was the fourth consecutive year - and only the fifth year ever - that the university and foundation eclipsed the $200 million mark in gifts received.

  • Kelly Tappenden has been named Distinguished Teacher-Scholar for 2011-12. Her lecture series, "Enhancing Teaching: Achieving More With Less," begins at noon Oct. 20 in Illini Union Rooms A and B.

    Teacher-scholar to share effective teaching strategies

    Tough times call for tough measures, or at least more-effective ones.

  • Bruce Chassy

    Why more inspections are not the way to increase food safety

    A Minute With™... Bruce Chassy, a professor of food science and human nutrition 

  • Could social media become an educational technology in classrooms?

    A Minute With™... Evangeline (Vanna) Pianfetti, a faculty member in the department of educational psychology

  • Jason Hatton stands in front of the Beckman Institute Building, where he serves as facility manager. He said the building's architectural uniqueness had stood out to him even before he became a UI employee. "I've always thought it looks impressive, and the tower is the perfect centerpiece for this part of campus."  Click photo to enlarge

    On the Job: Jason Hatton

    Jason Hatton used to see the Beckman Institute building as everyone else does.

  • Senate presents annual report to trustees

    UI Board of Trustees Chairman Christopher Kennedy indicated further "pruning" of academic programs on the Urbana campus may be needed to alleviate funding pressures facing the university.

  • University embarks on new leadership course

    Champaign campus, and Bo Fernhall as dean of the Chicago campus's College of Applied Health Sciences.

  • UI now No. 13 in U.S. News undergraduate rankings

    The UI moved up two spots in the annual U.S. News & World Report undergraduate rankings of colleges and universities released this week.

  • CAS fellows, associates named

    The Center for Advanced Study at the UI recently appointed 17 faculty members as fellows and associates for the fall semester. Selected through a competitive process, CAS fellows and associates get one semester of release time to pursue scholarly research or professional activity, present their work to other CAS professors, and participate in CAS events.

  • Incoming chancellor attends Academic Senate meeting

    The Academic Senate welcomed incoming Urbana Chancellor Phyllis M. Wise on Sept. 12 at its inaugural meeting of the 2011-12 year.

  • Trustees approve IBHE request for 5 percent budget increase

    A "basic clamp-down in spending" and tuition increases have left the UI in better financial shape than might have been imagined just a few years ago when the depth of the state's financial decline started revealing itself.

  • The exterior of a UI greenhouse equipped with energy shade curtains.

    Greenhouse shade curtains manage the sun, save energy

    Installing shade curtains in a greenhouse may seem counterproductive, but the new computer-controlled system of curtains in the UI greenhouses controls the sunlight, reducing energy and labor costs.

  • Contracts extended; additional enrollment period to be Oct. 10-28

    Central Management Services recently announced the extension of contracts for all current health plan vendors through June 30, 2012. The health insurance rates remain the same.

  • Students learn during 'Week at the Museum'

    Fifth-grade students from Urbana's Wiley Elementary School are attending school at Krannert Art Museum this week. The project, called Krannert Art Museum - Week at the Museum, will run through Sept. 16.

  • Finance professor Jeffrey R. Brown is one of six Illinois professors named a University Scholar.

    Six U. of I. faculty members named University Scholars

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - Six Urbana campus faculty members have been recognized as University Scholars. The program recognizes excellence while helping to identify and retain the university's most talented teachers, scholars and researchers. The faculty members will be honored at a reception from 4 to 5:30 p.m. Sept. 26 in the Lincoln Room at the I Hotel and Conference Center in Champaign.

  • Can a voucher system like Indiana's improve educational outcomes?

    A Minute With™... Chris Lubienski, a professor of education policy, organization and leadership

  • Sheldon H. Jacobson

    Are there still holes in aviation security, ten years after 9/11?

    A Minute With™...  computer science professor Sheldon H. Jacobson

  • Richard L. Kaplan

    Will President Obama's jobs plan work?

    A Minute With™... law professor Richard L. Kaplan

  • Ruth V. Aguilera

    When should a seriously ill CEO reveal their illness to shareholders?

    A Minute With™... business professor Ruth V. Aguilera

  • Freshman enrollment up; more Illinois students in class of 2015, too

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - Despite the challenging economic climate, Illinois has attracted a top-notch freshman class for the fall semester of 2011. It is diverse and reflects the university's statewide, national and international reputation.

  • David Stoppkotte has been an instrument and measurement technician with the College of Veterinary Medicine for 11 years, moving earlier this year from the pathobiology department to the colleges facilities division.

    On the Job: David Stoppkotte

    David Stoppkotte has been an instrument and measurement technician with the College of Veterinary Medicine for 11 years, moving earlier this year from the pathobiology department to the college’s facilities division. He held a similar position for seven years with the former School of Life Sciences, working out of the electronics shop in Burrill Hall.

  • New Faces 2011: Faculty hiring hitting a strategic upswing

    UI officials are moving forward on a plan designed to reverse a four-year downward faculty-hiring trend caused by financial constraints.

  • investing in today's turbulent market

    A Minute With™...  finance professor David Sinow

  • How can the U.S. Postal Service stem its losses?

    A Minute With™... Seung-Hyun Hong, a professor of economics

  • John Rynecki, a junior from Germany majoring in recreation, sports and tourism, started coaching for the Champaign Park District shortly after the 2010 World Cup re-ignited his passion for soccer.

    GAME ON: Students score as park district coaches

    It was the final game of the Urbana Park District basketball season, and Jordan Morris’ motley crew of third- and fourth-grade boys (at right) was winning. He watched them dribble, pass and deploy the pump fake and the jab step – moves he and his friends had taught them at practice – to almost double their opponent’s score.

  • Sophomore Ryan Singh, a finance and management major, was an early recruit to year-old Sudents Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations. Annie Wong, a sophomore in accounting, said her work with SCNO helped her get a global wealth management internship at Merrill Lynch in Peoria this past summer.

    Student consultants aid nonprofits in C-U and beyond

    Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations (SCNO) is only 1 year old, yet it already has a worthy list of achievements linked to its name.

  • Kristin Schoemaker, a junior in nuclear engineering, plans to be among the first women allowed to serve on a nuclear submarine when she graduates from the UI in 2013.

    Deep passion: Student charting future on Navy submarine

    What should a little girl aspire to become when she grows up? If you’re asking Kristin Schoemaker, anything she wants. Schoemaker, a junior in nuclear engineering, is preparing to cast off the limitations of an age-old Navy rule prohibiting women from serving on nuclear submarines.

  • UI Police Officer James Carter demonstrates one of the new Sentinel transportation devices, which the department started using on the Urbana campus for the first time this fall. UIPD officers are using two Sentinels for basic patrol and crowd-control work, while students will be using them for the Safewalks program.

    More campus patrols, other security measures mean safer campus

    UI Police say the Urbana campus is as peaceful as it has been in years – not because there are fewer bad guys, but because of the implementation of several integrated security upgrades over the past two years.

  • UI Board of Trustees votes to close Institute of Aviation

    At the July 21 meeting of the UI Board of Trustees on the UIC campus, university trustees voted 6-2 to close the Institute of Aviation and end the undergraduate degree program. The institute, which opened in 1945, will likely close its doors at the end of the 2013-14 school year, after all current students have completed the program.

  • New signage was added at 29 campus crosswalk locations over the summer to reflect the state's year-old crosswalk law. Under the new law, motorists must come to a complete stop if a pedestrian has already entered a crosswalk. Pedestrians also are required to give motorists ample time to slow down and stop  or wait for a better opportunity to cross.

    Heads up! New state law yields crosswalk changes

    Chalk one up for the pedestrians after Illinois lawmakers last year changed the state’s crosswalk law, forcing motorists to stop – not just yield – if a walker has already entered a crosswalk.

  • Busey-Evans dining hall cook Willie Green, left, and Housing Division administrators serve new students.

    Cheers! Giant smoothie breaks record at Convocation

    Dining Services cooked up some excitement at the annual New Student Convocation and the Guinness Book of World Records certified their efforts. The world’ largest smoothie – a 330-gallon pink delight – was created from 960 pounds of yogurt, 600 pounds of strawberries and 105 gallons of pineapple juice.

  • Administrative Posts

    Administrative Posts

  • Dear Parents

    On Oct.1 during Homecoming I assumed my new responsibilities as vice president of the University of Illinois and as chancellor of the Urbana campus. I want to share with you how excited and humbled I am to have the privilege to lead one of the greatest modern research universities in the world. 

  • postscripts


  • Physics professor Mats Selen developed the IOLab system, built around a low-cost, easy-to-use, all-purpose handheld device that performs a myriad of functions for both introductory and advanced physics courses.

    Interactive tool puts physics lab in the palm of your hand

    Physics often is the stuff of nightmares. For students, the terror lies in the expectation of mastering concepts as foreign as a never-heard language. Professors struggle to effectively teach complex concepts in a limited amount of time. And the expense of laboratory equipment is enough to make a department administrator reach for the antacids.

  • Fourteen U. of I. students, recent alumni named Fulbright recipients

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - Fourteen University of Illinois students or recent alumni have been offered fully funded opportunities to research, study, or teach English in other nations through the U.S. Student Fulbright program. Another Illinois student has been named an alternate for this prestigious award.

  • Is another recession on the horizon for the U.S.?

    A Minute With™... two U. of I. economic experts

  • Sally Eakin has been a part of the administrative staff of the UIs Graduate School of Library and Information Science for 33 years. Her work includes purchasing, planning and logistics for instructors and students  both on and off campus.

    On the Job: Sally Eakin

    Sally Eakin has been a part of the administrative staff of the UI’s Graduate School of Library and Information Science for 33 years, enduring several office moves and continually keeping up with changes in job responsibility and technology. Her work includes purchasing, planning and logistics for instructors and students – both on and off campus. She is a 2002 winner of the Chancellor’s Distinguished Staff Award.

  • IBM pulls out as vendor for Blue Waters project

    Effective Aug. 6, IBM terminated its contract with the UI to provide the supercomputer for the National Center for Supercomputing Applications' Blue Waters project.

  • Mike Thomas named Illinois athletics director

    Mike Thomas, athletic director at the University of Cincinnati since 2005, will be the new director of athletics at the UI's Urbana campus, pending approval by the UI Board of Trustees. The announcement was made Aug. 10.

  • Five faculty members named CIC fellows

    Five UI faculty members have been named 2011-12 fellows of the Committee on Institutional Cooperation's Academic Leadership Program.

  • New signage was added at 29 campus crosswalk locations over the summer to reflect the state's year-old crosswalk law. Under the new law, motorists must come to a complete stop if a pedestrian has already entered a crosswalk. Pedestrians also are required to give motorists ample time to slow down and stop - or wait for a better opportunity to cross.  Click photo to enlarge

    New state law yields crosswalk changes

    Chalk one up for the pedestrians after Illinois lawmakers last year changed the state's crosswalk law, forcing motorists to stop - not just yield - if a walker has already entered a crosswalk.

  • Chancellor's Scholars named to Campus Honors Program

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - One hundred twenty-seven freshmen and sophomores at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign have been designated Chancellor's Scholars, chosen for their academic excellence and leadership potential, in the Campus Honors Program this fall.

  • Anne Villamil

    Why the federal budget is not like your family budget

    A Minute With™... Anne Villamil a professor of economics and of finance

  • Trustees vote to close Institute of Aviation

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - At the July 21 meeting of the UI Board of Trustees on the UIC campus, university trustees voted 6-2 to close the Institute of Aviation and end the undergraduate degree program.

  • Phyllis M. Wise named to lead Urbana campus

    Champaign is one of the most respected institutions of higher education in the world. I look forward to working with the faculty, staff and students, and the university's many external stakeholders and partners, to build on its strengths and create new opportunities for the university to have an even greater impact."

  • Bruce Hannon, a UI geography professor, shares the story of the Urbana campus's 1878 tower clock, now housed in the mechanical engineering laboratory, during a recent tour of historic campus clocks. Hannon, who restores clocks as a hobby, will offer tours of the campus clocks this fall.

    Professor finds time a luxury to be shared

    Last month, while leading his historic campus clocks tour through the College of Engineering dean's office, geography professor Bruce Hannon interrupted his own presentation to reach for the cellphone in his pocket.

  • Deepak Somaya

    The latest battle in the war for smartphone dominance

    A Minute With™... business professor Deepak Somaya