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International Safety and Security Updates
Announcements and alerts from International Safety and Security at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

blog posts

  • Event Recap: Inaugural Round Table on Faculty-Led Programs

    International Safety and Security hosted the inaugural Round Table Discussion on Faculty-Led Programs, drawing together Illinois faculty and staff to discuss leading student programs abroad.

  • Worldwide Caution Update

  • Events in Paris

    Illinois International is deeply saddened by what transpired in Paris on Friday, November 13. Our thoughts are with the French people, our French community here at the University of Illinois, and all those affected by these events. We are relieved that University of Illinois students, faculty, and staff in the vicinity have reported their safety and we continue to monitor events closely.

  • Message on Worldwide Travel Alert

    The U.S. Department of State has issued a Worldwide Travel Alert

  • Coronavirus message sent to faculty members, staff, students from Chancellor & Provost (March 2)

    With the continued uncertainty caused by the rapidly changing coronavirus disease (COVID-19), here are several important updates that affect our university community.